I nodded slowly. My genetic makeup was certainly going to be used against me, I knew it. "I grew up here surrounded by heroes. Are you saying I couldn't have turned out better than my DNA donors thanks to my surroundings?"

"No. Your actions have already determined that you can't be trusted."

My family was being very quiet as they listened to the general talk, and I had to admit it hurt not to have them defend me. "I would have thought that my actions yesterday might have shown you I could be trusted. I assume that all of those villains are in custody?"

"Syrenity isn't," he retorted. Of course. She helped break them out while her mother was being threatened.

"She was forced to help them. They had her mother as a captive. With Silverclaw in custody, that shouldn't be an issue."

"He's not quite in custody," Kian finally spoke up. "He and Knightlight are in a military hospital. Whatever you did to Silverclaw paralyzed him from the waist down, and Knightlight's arm was shattered. Without his sword, he is nothing but a healer."

I smiled at that. "It's a nice sword."

"We want it," The general barked. "And we want Syrenity. After that we can talk about amnesty for you."

"No." I stood up from my chair and looked over at him. "If that's your only offer, we'll take our chances."

"What will you do?" my mother asked as she stood up too, looking at me sadly.

"We're not villains, regardless of what you think. But it seems pretty obvious that you're going to treat us like that. I guess we'll have to live on the run." Seriously, did they think I was going to tell them our plans? "We have no interest in fighting you. Give us 24 hours and we'll be out of your hair. For good."

They all shared a look before my mother walked over to give me a hug. "I'm so sorry to see you go. I always thought we were doing our best for you, but I never looked at how things were from your perspective."

My brothers got up and joined her, all of them hugging me as well. I probably would have felt touched by the goodbye if I didn't feel the electrical impulses of at least three trackers placed on me after we broke the hug. After we broke the hug, everyone looked at General Kitts, who groaned as he stood up.

"Fine. 24 hours. After that you're going to be hunted down. And what should we call you?"

I held my hand out to shake his. "I'm fine with that, but I think you better concentrate on Rot. He's a lot more dangerous than we are. As for me, my name is Blinq, with a 'q'."

He grimaced, and then shook my hand with a curt nod. "Perhaps. But don't think we'll forget about you."

I smiled at that while my mind sorted through his memories for the information I needed. There was a lot of good stuff in there, and once I found what I needed, I let go of the handshake. "Who knows, maybe you will." If he knew about Jewel's powers he might freak out, because she could easily make them forget all about us. "In the meantime, have a nice life."

I walked out the front door, and then sent a powerful shock through my body and clothes, feeling the little trackers flare up like flies on a bug light before they fell off. Good luck tracking me!

Six months later

"Here you are ma'am. One iced decaf with four caramel swirls, 18 sugars and 12 creams." I handed the disgusting drink over to the bleached blonde who came in daily for the treat. I couldn't give her crap, because I knew from reading her mind that it wasn't for her, it was something that she was picking up for her boss. I could only imagine what kind of person that was.

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