Chapter 4: Year 1871-1899/Stay with Camp

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(Y/N)'s Clothes

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(Y/N)'s Clothes.

Mary-Beth: "*Oh my....he looks handsome when he doesn't have a hat on.*" She thought herself and she was daydreaming about this man...but he seems to be calm and respect toward to those people that he care about...but he had to known about them.

Dutch: "Well, you look fit to this clothes...What do you think?"

(Y/N): "Hmm...this outfit was looks like old...but almost is alright that I can dealt with." He said to Dutch.

Dutch: "Hehehe, very nice...anyway let me introduce you to all these people in my camp...please follow me." He said to (Y/N) and make him was nod his head and then Dutch was take (Y/N) and showing him around with these people in here by himself. Then Dutch take (Y/N) to meet Kieran and Arthur...then (Y/N) heard this man had a name is Arthur...and yes...Arthur was the one who save him from the river when (Y/N) was unconscious and he remembered about last night when he attack and killed 5 O'Driscoll men by himself in the woods.

(Y/N): "*So it wasn't a was real.*" He thought himself.

Dutch: "Are you alright, son?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I'm fine, Dutch...I just have a thought in my the way I thank Arthur for what he save me in the river." He said to Dutch.

Dutch: "Yes, but there will be more of these members that I must show you." He said to (Y/N) and make him was definitely showing (Y/N) around with the other people here.

" He said to (Y/N) and make him was definitely showing (Y/N) around with the other people here

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Javier Escuella.

Javier Escuella was born in Nuevo Paraíso, Mexico. Javier's father was a drunkard who worked as a laborer on land owned by Allende's uncle. When he was a boy, Escuella witnessed his uncle and four other men castrated and fed to pigs because they suggested the villagers demand a fair wage. Eventually, Javier became a notorious bounty hunter and revolutionary, fighting against what he saw as a corrupt system. He ended up killing a powerful, former military man in Punta Orgullo over a woman he was in love with. Fearing that his loved ones would suffer if he remained in Mexico, Javier fled to America. However, he could not speak any English and ultimately became feeble and starved.

In 1895, while attempting to steal some chickens, Javier came across Dutch van der Linde doing the same. They both laughed, and Dutch fed and clothed Javier, offering him a spot in the Van der Linde gang. Escuella felt an immediate affinity with the gang and its ideals; he came to see the gang as his family and his true home, while especially idolising Dutch as a revolutionary paragon and becoming fiercely loyal to him. Javier functioned as a gunman for the gang and was involved in a number of robberies and various other crimes across the frontier. One notable example is a bank robbery in Tucson, Arizona, which Javier robbed with Arthur and Karen.

 One notable example is a bank robbery in Tucson, Arizona, which Javier robbed with Arthur and Karen

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Lenny Summers.

Lenny Summers was born circa 1880. Both of his parents were former slaves. His family's life had been hard even before he was born; his mother was born in a cotton field and immediately confiscated by the overseer from her own mother. When the Civil War ended, the overseer continued harassing Lenny's grandmother, who eventually killed him with a knife and subsequently fled, narrowly avoiding a lynching.[2] The girl never saw her mother again, but she eventually met and married Mr. Summers, who would become Lenny's father.

Mr. Summers was an educated man who could read and write; he taught Lenny everything he knew, and also gave him a pocket watch that was previously given to him by his former owner. One night, his father was beaten to death by a few drunk men, whom Lenny killed in revenge. He was forced to go on the run afterward, being only 15 years old at the time, and eventually joined the Van der Linde gang while traversing the Grizzlies in late 1898.

Dutch: "This is Javier Escuella and Lenny Summers....gentlemen! This is (Y/N) (L/N) Talbot...he will be here in this camp with you all. So please treat him carefully and respect him." He said to them and make them nod their heads and they both were seen (Y/N) was cool man and (Y/N) just said hi to them and they both say back to (Y/N) but...they think him was a nice person.

Dutch was take (Y/N) around in this camp and showing him around everywhere in this camp place but this is Dutch's gang...(Y/N) meet Bill, John Martston and his family, Karen, Tilly, Mary-Beth, Sadie, Pearson, Susan, and other rest people that they were nice to each others. Then (Y/N) meet Kieran who was scared and pure fear but he was clean his horse and the other horses too

Dutch: "Well, listen...I'll get you a horse ride and also weapons for what you are gonna you know how to shoot?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "*Chuckle* Yes, I know how to use weapons and it is long time for me using the weapons." He said to Dutch.

Dutch: "Glad you heard that...we need more gunslingers like you in this world." He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I am appreciate it, sir." He said to Dutch and giving him a smile at the leader for this gang's camp.

Time Skip Later.

In Somewhere Else.

When there was a gang O'Driscoll who were check at the woods by themselves and then the leader Colm O'Driscoll for himself and make him was saw there were five dead bodies lying on the ground and they are completely torn apart off by a wild animal attack them.

When there was a gang O'Driscoll who were check at the woods by themselves and then the leader Colm O'Driscoll for himself and make him was saw there were five dead bodies lying on the ground and they are completely torn apart off by a wild animal...

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Colm O'Driscoll.

Colm: "What in the hell happened here?" He asked himself.

To Be Continued.

RDR2: The Wolfman Returns (Sadie X Male Reader X Beth)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant