Not A Chapter: Skit 3#

25 1 3

Third person POV~

'Damn, hope no one saw me fall on my face..' Sasuke thought as he wiped off some dirt from his face. 'I wonder what I can get Sakura-baka for Valentine's Day.'

'I have an idea..'

'NO!...go back to your box I made for you to stay silent...'

'....No....anyway what should we get Sakura-chan?'

'Fine I will let you out but when you get annoying I will shove you in that box!'

'Yeah, yeah shove it...So back to our problem, what do we get Sakura-chan?'

' ab-!?' Sasuke's thought gets stopped by a snowball hitting his face. Sasuke wipes the snow off his face and glares at Naruto. "Really!? I was in a thought!"

"Well sorry. I just wanted to see if you wanted to go Valentines' Day shopping with me...for Sakura-chan...Since Valentine's Day is in a few days."
Sasuke fumes but agrees. Now they're walking to the shops.

"So what do you plan to get Sakura-chan for Valentine's Day? Cause I'm planning to get her a new scarf." Naruto asks as he looks through store windows.

"Hmm...Maybe the next book in her Soykai Samurai series or some Kokeamon cards." Sasuke says as they walk into a bookstore. Naruto Nods as they walk up some stairs. They get to the action section and see Kakashi also there.

"Um...Uncle Kakashi, why are you here? And why are you looking at the Soykai Samurai series?" Naruto asks as they walk up to him. Kakashi glances in their direction before talking. "Well if you must know Valentine's Day is in a couple of days and I had some free time so I came here to get Sakura-chan her Valentine from me....but why are you and Sasuke here?"

"Because Sasuke-Teme wanted to get the same thing for Sakura-chan," Naruto says as he nudges Sasuke in the ribs.

"Hmm...well Sasuke I'm getting her the 6th and 7th so you can get her the 8th and if you have enough the 9th as well. Anyway, I gotta go I got training to do." With that Kakashi poofs to the check out then leaves.

Sasuke and Naruto glance at each other then Sasuke walks up to the books and grabs the 8th. Now that they have Sasuke Valentines for Sakura they walk to the check out then leave also.

"Now to the clothing store for my gift getting," Naruto says as they walk out of the bookstore.

5 minutes later~

They get to the clothing store and immediately go to the winter section.

"Ok, what scarf do you think she would like?" Naruto asks as he holds up a red scarf and an orange and black scarf.

"The 2nd one Dobe."

"Ok thanks for your opinion Teme," Naruto says sarcastically as he puts the red one back. They walk to the check-out lady and after that, they walk out.

Sasuke walks Naruto back to his house and they say goodbye.

3 days later~

Both Naruto and Sasuke walk over to Sakura's house that Sunday afternoon with their gifts. When they get there they knock, and Kakashi opens the door.

"Hello boys and before you ask Sakura-chan is in the living room reading her books. Also happy Valentine's Day." Kakashi finishes then walks back to the kitchen to finish making lunch.

The boys walk to the living room where they see a blob of light pink hair on the couch with a cat with wings on her lap.

"Hey, Sakura-chan!" Naruto says loudly as he walks up to her with Sasuke trailing behind him. Sakura looks up at them from the book she's reading and smiles at them. "Hey boys happy V-day...sorry I didn't get you guys something..."

"It's fine Sakura-baka. Besides, we came to give you some crap anyway." Sasuke says as he holds out his gift bag. Naruto follows his example and also holds out his.

"Aww thanks, guys!" Sakura grabs the gifts and puts them next to each other. Then she gets up from the couch and hugs Sasuke and Naruto.

For the rest of the afternoon, they had a good day.



Sorry for the late upload just didn't have the motivation to write.

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