Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Nearly eight years have passed since the enchantress had appeared, and Belle and her family have lived peaceful lives. Adam became a responsible land owner, leader and father to the people of the village and to his family.

Belle had a role in supporting her husband by gaining the villages' respect and even starting her own literature classes on reading and writing. She also became a kind, understanding and loving young mother.

Pierre was very sophisticated and sturdy, despite his young age, and he wasn't afraid to state his own opinions (although his mother prevented him from saying anything disrespectful).

Naeva, on the other hand, was growing up into a kind, caring, yet somewhat timid young girl. She often got very quiet when she was embarassed or nervous, and would stubbornly refuse to continue talking until she felt like it. Nevertheless she was well-behaved and selfless.

Despite the equal amount of love that the two children got from their parents, in Pierre's mind he felt a subtle amount of inequality of care compared to his sister, which lead to a developing jealousy. He often talked about how he felt to his parents, who responded by showing him the amount of love they had for both him and his sister. Half the time it didn't work, which sometimes led to more resentment.

Adam and Belle were hosting a party to celebrate the accomplishments they made putting together their kingdom. Thousands of people poured in for the celebration and brought with them their family. There was music, food, dancing and everything there. Lumiere was dancing with several pretty maids (as opposed assisting with the choreography), Coggsworth was chowing down on a plate full of food (as opposed to keeping everyone else from eating until it was time), and only Mrs. Potts and her son Chip (now a young teenager) were doing there job of preparing the food. Adam and Belle were on the dance floor along with their children.

"Chers et Messiurs (ladies and gentlemen), En chante," Lumiere announced standing next to one of the maids, " we will now have our slow dance with the loving couples tonight."

Adam looked over at his children and winked at them, which meant that they need to go upstairs so that their mother and father could be alone. Naeva giggled and went upstairs with her brother to get a better view of them dancing.

Meanwhile, outside was a hooded man who came off his horse and entered the palace.

"Ha, how insolently joyful," he said with a sarcastic, disapproving laugh.

Adam and Belle were continuing their dancing alongside other couples young and old. Naeva was upstairs watching them.

"Wow, when I grow up, I'm going to have big lights, classical music, and hundreds of people dancing around me and my husband," she said lovingly.

Despite her young age, Naeva knew alot about romance. Most of her knowledge came from learning from her mother (and even Lumiere). Pierre didn't think much about it and seemed to just roll his eyes and turn his head away from the idea. After the dance Adam decided to give a toast.

"Everyone, I would like to give a toast to all of you who have assissted the development of this new kingdom," he said, "but more importantly I would like to thank those who have supported me: my servants, my beautiful wife, and family."

"May we live long through the strength and love that we have through one another," Belle added as she gave her husband a kiss.

Just as Adam raised his glass up to give a toast, an arrow shoots through it and shatters it. Everyone turns around to see where the arrow had came from and they saw a man with a bow in his hand and a cape over his face. He began to walk up to them, but had to stop as the guards stepped up towards him. All of a sudden a short, stubby man comes out of nowhere and jumps right next to the man. It was Lefou, the small man who used to accompany Gaston, the hunter who was infatuated with Belle when she was younger.

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