"Stop standing there Bill! Want me to help? But if I do I hope you know I won't go easy on ya!" He smiled

"I'll do it," I say with a cold expression looking over to Tom one last time with both my eyes

I reach for my face then hover my hand over my left eye before digging into it, Wincing as I felt the wetness of my eyeball I was now holding it as it was still intact to my face the second I start to grip it harder everything goes black for my left eye I slowly pull it out hearing the noises of blood and my veins filling my ears blood seeping out and covering my entire face and hands as I pull it out the string is still attached I finally do one last pull detaching my eye completely.

"Shit-" I muttered

It falls to my hand almost slipping off it rolls around a bit before the bad man yanks it out of my hands letting it fall to his hands.

blood gushed out my missing eye, pain filling my body everywhere.

I watch as he lets my eye drop to the ground stomping on it

"My eye.."

Before he leaves he says " What a waste"

Tom ran over to me the second he left he cried for me his whole body was shaking with fear, Still only with one eye all you could see through my right eye was revenge and it was burning through my blood now even worse than before.

the blood stopped but now I was left with a gash on my face

I got up and walked Tom followed.

"Why didn't you take it, Bill? Why didn't you kill him?"

"I would rather be struck with the knife than curse others anytime I feel hungry"

"How are you planning on explaining this?" Tom asked

"fireworks I guess" I sighed


Deep in the woods, we had a doctor who was able to cure any of our injuries me and tom walked there for about an hour till we arrived

"Oh- OH" The old lady gasped at my appearance

I lay down on the sofa as she cures my eye closing it up

she gave me the mirror this was the first time I was seeing myself, my left eye was now gone my eyelid was what I had left it remained opened still blinking but all that I could see was red flesh to where my eyeball was supposed to go I looked absolutely hideous

I thank her, giving her money, and right after me and Tom leave


How can I erase my own memories, if I bite myself will I forget it all? Will I forget the sounds the sight of Bill taking out his own eye while I stand frozen not being able to do anything?

Everything about it made my skin crawl what scared me more was how calm Bill was he didn't seem any bit of scared and not even now he was still careless not showing any emotion now as he's half blind

we get home and he quietly walks up to his room closing the door behind himself

I don't burden him anymore, but in truth, it was because I couldn't see him like that it would bring back the memory of it for me.

his small screams as he hurt himself just for the bad man only to avoid getting the ability

only to avoid revenge


Violets curtains weren't covering the window this night, I watch as she cried and cried in her bed

"Who are you to me Bill" she cried

What could happen if I became hers again? I would die for her if it meant protecting her, the longer she stays away from me the more uneasy I feel because who is protecting Violet from this town and its dangerous monsters.

I walk over to the bathroom I put my hand over my left eyelid opening it slightly to see the flesh of where my eye used to be.

I slammed my fist into the mirror out of frustration, what am I seeking for why can't I long for peace why do I long for revenge but why do I also long for her what do I want?

Blood gushed through my fists as I pulled the glass shards out of my hand.

My head lifts from my hand as I turn over to my window smelling another scent of blood that isn't mine, it's hers... Violet

Why can't I do anything? Why can't I save her?

what I would do Violet
what I would do to have you again but all you would see now is a hideous face
my hideous face
you'll never love me again you'll never kiss me again

You'll never have those memories of our love, the love I gave you ever again, You'll never know how much I cared about you.

But Violet please stop hurting yourself

Reminiscence - Bill kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now