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Chapter One
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tornado warnings
—by fifteyshadesofdylan

The road was bumpy underneath the vehicle causing it to shake every few seconds. A windy path that the old beat up truck was currently on, making it like a trooper. Somehow it was still surviving the trip without any problems such as the engine overheating. A miracle, the truck making it from the outskirts of Boston, Massachusetts all the way up to the state of Maine. Any other trip with the truck's luck would not have gotten very far.

But luck seemed to be on the blonde woman's side that day as she continued driving. Almost like the truck had known that she had to get to her destination. And once she did, then anything else that happened after that didn't matter. The fates knew that the woman was meant to make it to Maine and nothing was going to come in the way of stopping her from getting there in one piece.

Passing the medium-sized sign that read "Welcome to Haven, Maine." She tapped her fingers against the steering wheel. Louisa Gordon's anxiety seemed to slowly flush away the moment she crossed the townline. Glancing at the gps mounted on the dash before turning her eyes back onto the road in front of her. The further she drove into the town, the more she took it all in. It was rather cute in a way. With the idea of the town being by the waterside, it had settled nicely in her head when she had agreed to make the big decision to travel out to the town that seemed to be overlooked in the sense that she had never really heard of it before. Catching in the sight of the different citizens walking about, it felt nice. Familiar in a way.

Louisa Gordon was just an average, 27 year old woman, who grew up right outside of Boston. Her life was rather nice for the most part. It seemed almost picture perfect, until her mother had gotten ill in late 2009. Before she had passed away, she had come clean to the girl. Louisa had been adopted at an early age. Leslie Gordon didn't have a lot of information to go off of when letting Louisa know the truth. Just that Leslie had been called by a man at the adoption agency about a new baby that was brought in and they had reached out to Leslie and her ex-husband who were looking to adopt at the time. Other than that, she had nothing solid she could provide Louisa with for reassurance as to where she came from.

And the first lead Louisa had received was in the town of Haven. She had gotten a letter addressed from the Haven Herald in Haven, Maine. And in the letter signed by the Teagues, was them saying that a relative of hers had passed and had left their property to her. Supposedly they had some knowledge of her biological family history, at least that's what it seemed like in their wording. Louisa had debated for a bit until she had made up her mind. With her mom gone, she had nothing much left that kept her grounded in Massachusetts. Welcoming the chance of a new beginning, the Gordon woman took the leap which led to where she currently was.

Spotting an empty parking spot on the side of the street, Louisa instantly pulled into it. Her eyes glanced over at the sign hanging above a door to one of the buildings. The Haven Herald. It was a nice alliteration and the woman applauded whoever was in charge of naming the place.

Making her way up to the door, the bell chimed overhead once she entered the place. She looked around in confusion at the vacant area. Peering back at the door to check if she read the sign incorrectly but she didn't as it said 'open' in blue. Walking over to the main counter, she picked up one of the town's recent papers.

"Town-wide gas leak?" Louisa mumbled with furrowed brows. That was slightly unusual. Scanning over the article, the blonde woman couldn't help but find it a little odd. The words were clearly a lie, but it seemed like it must have been a lie told one too many times so it came easy when awkwardly wording the "news" to the people of Haven. "What could they possibly be hi–."

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