Chapter 13

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The first day seem to go alright they all kept Ashley occupied. CC would goof around with him and take goofy pics and stuff.

By the next day in mid afternoon Ashley was in the bathroom looking around for something Andy walked in and said,"Ashybear what are you looking for. My keys I'm gonna be late."

"Late? Late for what?" asked Andy.

"Work silly. Can't lose my job at the clothing store. Have you seen my keys.?" said Ashley smiling.

Andy touched his face smiled and spoke,"Baby your boss called last night and gave you the day off. He said you've been working so hard you desevered it."

"Oh that's nice I'll call him and thank him," said Ashley.

Andy was fighting back tears and said,"I already did. Your tired go lay down and sleep."

"Ok. I love you my Batman." said Ashley smiling and kissing him.

Andy saw him go back to bed Then went up front and broke down.

Jinxx was the first to see him and ran to him "Andy what's wrong?"

"Ashley he thinks hesblate for work. He thinks he works at a clothing store. Its his own clothing store but he doesn't know it. He thinks he's back home. My Ashybear I'm losing him all over again." said Andy.

"No you want. We'll get him through this." said Jake.

"No you don't understand Dr. Smith said the longer he's off his meds the worse he'll get. We have to get his meds and soon...."


The guys are up front while Seth is driving and they can hear Ashley screaming and cursing at Andy. And they can hear Andy trying to calm him down.

"Andy where the fuck are we. Get the fuck out of my way I want to leave. Andy I swear if you don't move I'll hit you." yelled Ashley.

"Ashley you need to calm down baby we are on the tour bus we are trying to get your meds for you please Ashybear just sit down. Its gonna be ok." said Andy.

Ashley looked around the room threw his hands to his head screamed looked at Andy and said,"I don't want my meds. You've been drugging me you all have."

"No baby I haven't it's for your own good," said Andy trying to walk to him.

Ashley looked around grabbed the lamp and spoke,"Stay the fuck away from me." Then threw the lamp just barely missing Andy's face.

The guys heard the lamp hit the wall and stood up but they still heard Andy's voice.

"Ashley please!" said Andy.

Suddenly Ashley just snapped and lounged at Andy grabbing him by his throat and started hitting him in the face.

Andy was caught off guard when Ashley ran into him. He felt Ashley 's hands around his throat before he could say his name Ashley started hitting him.

The guys realized it got quiet."Maybe he calmed him down." said CC.

"Its quiet to quiet I don't like it. I'm going in.." said Jinxx.

"Jinxx CC is probably right," said Jake.

Jinxx didn't listen and walked in.... Then he screamed back at the others "Guys help!"

After a few punches to Andy's face Ashley stood up and started kicking him in his side really hard with his boots.

Jinxx walked in and saw Ashley kicking him Ashley was so focused on kicking him didn't hear Jinxx scream,"Guys help." He was still trying to kick Andy even when Jake and CC pulled him away.

"Find something to restrain him. Oh god Andy." said Jinxx.

Jake and CC found some straps and tied him up and laid him on the bed. Ashley was still trying to wiggle free and speaking through gritted teeth,"I'll kill him the bastard drugged me."

"He thinks Andy drugged him," said CC. Jake put his hand on CD 's shoulder and went over to Jinxx and Andy.

"How is he?" asked Jake.

Andy started coughing up blood. "He's hurt bad he needs a hospital. Jake we're hours away if not another day. I think Andy's bleeding inturnly." said Jinxx.

"I'll tell Seth to drive faster because we've got no cell phone signal." said Jake.

Jinxx nodded.

CC looked over and watched Jake leave and said,"How bad us he?"

"Pretty bad C," said Jinxx.

After a few minutes Ashley settled doen looked around and spoke,"CC why am I tied up? Where's Andy? Andy where are you?"

"Jinxx Ashley 's back he wants to know where Andy is." said CC.

"CC come over here. Stay with him." said Jinxx.

Andy was in and out of conscieniousness.

Jinxx went over to him and sat down and spoke,"Ashley we had to tie you up because you became violent. You attacked Andy you accuated him of drugging you and attacked him."

"What do you mean?" asked Ashley with tears in his eyes.

"Ashley you punched him several times in the face and then you started kicking him in his ribs with your boots. Ashley he needs a hospital. Seth is driving as fast as he can. We have no cell phone signal here." said Jinxx.

Jake and CC watched as Jinxx told him this.

"How bad is he?" asked Ashley.

"He's coughing up blood man it's bad he's in and out of it." said Jinxx.

Andy came to and faintly said,"ashy...b"

Jake put his hand on Andy's shoulder Then went over to Jinxx "Jinxx Andy's awake he's asking for Ashley."

Jinxx nodded looked at Ashley then spoke,"Ashley Andy's awake he's asking for you. So I'm going to untie you so you can go to him."

"Ok thank you." said Ashley.

By the time they untied him and he got to Andy's side he had forgotten what Jinxx had told him. "Oh god baby what happened to you? Who did this? We hAve to find who did this to him guys. Andy talk to me." said Ashley.

Andy smiled faintly then spoke,"" Then Andy coughed up blood and closed his eyes.

From up front Seth yelled,"we've got signal I've called for a airflight to come get him."

Ashley touched his head and laid his head softly on Andy's chest.

They waited for what seemed like forever when they finally heard the helicopter over head.

Then the paramedics appeared through the doors. They rushed Andy to the airflight and told them what hospital they were taking him too.

They finally got to where they filled Ashley 's meds but didn't think it was safe to bring him to the hospital so they left him on the bus with CC since CC seem to be able to entertain him.

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