chapter 17 //**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚.

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"don't get green skin, keep contact.

don't say, "goodbye, smell you later""


-tyler, the creator

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this song matches the beginning vibe of the chapter. i'm honestly not sure if i'm going to keep writing as often. i just don't have enough motivation. if you guys genuinely like this story, i'll keep adding.

.·:*¨¨* theo's pov *¨¨*:·.

my whole life is falling apart. it's friday now, yesterday afternoon i saw the girl i liked kissing the most well-liked hero in... well, probably the world.

i'm sitting here at lunch talking to nick. he's trying to delusion me into thinking that maybe the kiss was a thank you. or she was caught up in the moment of meeting a hero.

but, a kiss? i'm not sure, spider-man doesn't kiss random celebrities. i feel horrible, like my life was flipped upside down.

i glance up at nick who's going off about how i can get y/n back. i know why nick really wants me to get with y/n. 

it's not because he knows how much i liked her, even though i know he does care. somehow, nick has an even bigger crush than me on y/n's best friend.

he talks about charlotte all the time. it's honestly sweet but i'm exhausted of it. ...i probably do the same though, my poor roommate can't handle it.

i don't know what to do though. liking her feels wrong if she's in aa relationship but also...

is she actually in a relationship with spider-man?

.·:*¨¨* y/n's pov *¨¨*:·.

are me and miles in a relationship now?

charlie asked me this question and i keep turning it over in my head. it seems lke we should be, i mean we kissed.

but, what if it was just the heat of the moment? it can't be. whatever, i'm going to his game tonight anyway. 

he invited me but i found out that char, jenny and luna were all going to the game. it's not like a date, he'll be on the court and i'll be on the bleachers, so it's ok to be with my friend, right?

i don't own a basketball jersey, but charlie told me that nick might. she's been talking to him for a little bit now, i'm honesty happy for her.

i asked her if she wanted to come ask him with me at lunch so she could talk to them but charlie said that he would but she had a tutoring session since last night's was canceled.

so, here i am, walking to where y/n said nick would be. once i get to the table, i'm surprised to see theo sitting with him.

"hey, guys." i say with a wave. i smile but their reaction lets me know something's off. "all good?" i ask, curiously.

they both exchange looks, and then nod. this feels really odd. "yeah, what's up?" nick asks and my eyes widen. "oh yeah! uh- do either of you have a visions basketball jersey i could borrow?"

i ask this and i get a strange look from them both. i feel a little weird as i did have an interest for theo, but miles is definitely my future boyfriend.

theo answers first, very quickly. "i don't, i'm so sorry. may i ask why?" i'm not quite sure what to say and i pause.

"uhm- well, miles invited me to the game to watch him and i don't have any... like, team gear, y'know?" i say, a little nervous.

they nod and i watch as theo glances away, resting his hand in my palm. i feel a little bit a guilt but, i can't trace it.

thank god, nick speaks up. "well, my roommate has an extra jersey you could use." i breath a sigh of relief.

"oh, thank you." i say with a smile. "so, you and miles, huh?" nick asks and i feel myself turn red. i nod, a little flushed.

-ˏ͛⑅ ‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹ ‧̫‧ ⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙ ⑅ˏ͛- 

go teammmmm

sunshine on me//a miles morales x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora