chapter 12//**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

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"maybe all the stars in the night are really dreams

maybe this whole world ain't exactly what it seems"

time (ft. ariana grande)

-childish gambino

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the album looks so weird being just white 😭😭 but whatevs

i was also going to put the fav show as community (i'm obsessed and in love with it) but i hate when y/n is pre-given fav stuff so...

.·:*¨¨* y/n's pov *¨¨*:·.

the next day passes like normal which feels weird. i had imagined it was going to be a whole switch, like everything would be different.

it's a normal wednesday, me and charlie are late to breakfast like normal, we walk through the halls like normal, it's all like normal.

i'm on the edge of my seat the whole time, as if something would happen. but it never does.

until lunch time.

i grab my lunch, and head to me and char's normal spot. she's not here yet, so i pick up my phone and decide to put on my favourite show for a quick second.

i was too tired from the day to binge some episodes, so this will have to do.

when charlie does make it to the cafeteria, she's grinning like a mad dog. i raise an eyebrow and i can't stop smiling myself.

"what's up?" i ask as charlie sets her tray down, still beaming. "miles asked about you!" she says, and i suddenly become as excited as her.

maybe this day won't be so normal, i think happily. "what? what did he say?" i ask, leaning in to catch her next words.

"he asked about your classes, like- what your schedule was." charlie says and my interest is automatically peaked. 

i give her a curious look and i pause, thinking. "why would he ask that? is he trying to meet me somewhere?" i chew the inside of my cheek.

we discuss the possibilities for a while, but move on to our normal conversations after a while. i often worry about talking about miles too much to her to be honest.

we leave for our next classes, parting ways. i wish she was in my history class, i have this class with luna, ganke and jennifer.

it's been a while since i've seen jenny, and hurry over to our tables. i grin as i sit beside them and they instantly turn to me with mischievous smiles.

"what is with you guys today?" i ask with an amused smile. their eyes widen and they answer. "luna told us about why you skipped supper." jenny says, glancing at luna.

i run red but i'm smiling just as much as them. i instantly fill them in before class starts, the bell taking me out of my retelling.

i spin around and my heart sinks. i totally forgot ganke was in the class. this usually wouldn't be a problem, as he sits across the class.

for some reason though, the teacher moved some desks around that i didn't notice and he's within hearing distance.

i pray to god he didn't hear, but... i wouldn't mind it to be honest. like, if he happened to tell miles, then miles would just have a sign on how much i liked him.

i take a deep breath and try to focus on history. the class does go by fast, which is nice because the whole day has been slow.

i move to my next class and i realize i haven't seen miles in the hallways. i usually know is route but today, i wasn't really following it due to random things like wanting to use the washroom.

i pray to god again that he doesn't think i'm avoiding him. maybe it is good that ganke heard.

i head to my physical science class and i am reminded of my second problem, theo. i didn't ever realize he was in this class, because i didn't know him and yesterday i was too distracted with miles.

i sit in my usual spot but a kid i know taps me on the shoulder. i turn to him, i think his name is nick?

"theo is calling you." he says very plainly and i make a face, spinning around. i can't stop the smile though when i see him and i feel like my body is betraying me.

he smiles and i hop out of my seat, moving to him. "hey, whats up?" i ask with a curious voice.

"oh, just wanted to say hi, don't worry," theo says while running a hand through his hair and i nod. "listen, i'm so sorry for running off like that yesterday." i say, apologetically.

theo brushes it off which relaxes me. "all good, school's a rush." i don't want to tell him that i was just trying to chase miles and i nod, smiling. 

the teacher calls everyone to sit down and i look at theo with a goodbye grin and he gives me a mini two-fingered wave which i return.

this is getting complicated.

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so, i added nick bcs he's going to be a love interest for charlie lmao and i love creating characters tbh. i also realized i forgot to add ganke to the character sheet. in love w/ this story ngl.

sunshine on me//a miles morales x readerWhere stories live. Discover now