Abstract Chapter 1

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I'd like say that this short story is about to reach 1K reads, so why not add an extra chapter. Enjoy.
Many Months Later............

It was drenching wet in the middle of the day, but not enough that all the places was covered and flooded completely. The wind blew finely, and the clouds firmly held a tinting a slight blackness which showered raindrops in a drissling form. Where the raindrops fall to the land is which it serves to benefit from. From finger sized weeds to building sized trees; nature really did benefit. But in another perspective, where other plants are located aren't so effective in their natural environment, rather, they adapt to the circumstances they are brought by in places where cement cracks show up, vines crawling up walls and rooftops, and merging with man-made constructs. And once was livelihood of interactions is now taken over by mother nature, left unchecked by those who first made are nothing but dust and rumble.

On the other side, just inside the forest bushes, footsteps are trampling on the ground as dirt skits bit by bit leaving a mark on the ground with also a few splashes followed through. It is then the footsteps stopped, and with that came the appearance of voices.

"So what do we do," Mark said.

"What we should do - follow the plan, no compromises got it," Agon replied with authority.

He added, "That goes for you guys as well," he pointed at a group of newcomers from behind, "Follow through and don't mess this up, alright!"

"Yes sir," they are nodded.

Agon wasn't too sure to trust this newcomers. He wanted his team do the expectations he ordered, but instead he was short on arms as his other mates went on to do other missions as ordered by their leader, or it was what he and his mates would do due complications on medical supplies. What he had were inexperienced brats that he was not ready to babysit. Although he wasn't alone, one of his mates Mark, decided to help out. With the two of them, and rest of this newcomers, their main object was to retrieve a supply drop possibly carrying plasma tools which are most useful for their camp.

Waiting for the right moment to act, they moved in independently. Like a shepherd and his sheeps; the leader led the newcomers thoroughly whilst also being as careful as ever, watching out for any obstacles on their way, and using bright and analytical methods to guide a straight line.

While on their way, the team took cover behind wrecked cars to hide their presence when a bunch of turned were lurking just across the road. At this moment, the turned were not moving. So rather then walking straight, the leader issued that they find another way over the turned, and thus the leader came with the plan to put Mark infront just for careful measures since he is a blackened.

Using Mark as a double-edged sword, Mark is able quickly defend and kill simultaneously with his right hand ability. The ability which allows those treated with the cure, and left with a black mark behind, are very much well equipped as their black marks make for good camouflage and a handsome tool.

Not knowing what might be up ahead, the team are slowly but surely walking lightly into a dangerous territory that they don't want to be in. All for the shake for that particular air drop, it all depends on it at all cost whether risking it or not, they have to make the difficult choice.

As they got closer, and closer, passing by a wreckage of cars, the place around them was apparently quite. It is abnormal. One of their important scouts usually does a double check, and what they find is the same circumstances - huge piles of turned swarming this particular area. But now it seems that there is not a clue in sight where a turned can be found. Although there were a few killed on the way, there isn't a high frequency as the ones the scout would often give a report about. Loud and always wanting to kill, it was what he described it as; otherwise it could be different.

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