I Don't Want You Pt. 4*

Começar do início

"I can't tell you what to do because I don't know how to fix this! I'm going to find Nat and Lena. Go home, Bucky."

You turned away from him again only to be pulled backwards and through the crowd on the dance floor once more.

"What the hell, Bucky? Let me go!"

"If I'm going home, you're coming with me."

Bucky didn't even look back as he continued walking. He dragged you out of the club and down the sidewalk to his waiting motorcycle.

"Get on." He commanded, pointing to the bike.

"Absolutely fucking not." You crossed your arms defiantly and glared at him. "We aren't together anymore. You can't fucking tell me what to do."

"Get on the bike, Y/n." Bucky growled through clenched teeth.

"No." You said slowly.

"Get on the goddamn bike or so help me God, I'll put you on it myself."

You smirked at him and took a step back.

"Like hell you will. Go. Home." You took another step back, keeping your eyes trained on him.

"Oh no you don't." Bucky lurched forward and caught your wrist in his hand.

He picked you up as if you weighed nothing and dropped you onto the back of the bike. Before you could get off, the bike roared to life and Bucky was pulling into traffic. You jerked forward and clung to his waist when he began serving around cars. As soon as you reached the compound, you hopped off the bike and stormed inside with Bucky hot on your heels. You made it all the way to your bedroom door before he spoke to you.

"Stop running away from me, Y/n. I'm trying to make this right!" Bucky yelled.

You stopped dead in your tracks and spun on him. Your eyes narrowed, but softened a fraction when you saw the look of desperation on his face. He always did have a way of calming you with just a look, but you held onto as much of your anger as you could. You still loved him, but you couldn't forget all the misery you had faced over the past two weeks.

You were conflicted. You'd be a fucking idiot to let a man who broke your heart and then stomped all over it, back into your life. But at the same time, you wanted to forgive him—to feel the way you used to when he would hold you close and call you his. You could feel your tears building and you choked back a sob. All your memories of Bucky were being overshadowed by one mistake and you didn't know how to get past that.

"You can't make this right with a few words, Bucky. You just can't!"

A sob finally escaped you, making Bucky step forward and cup your face in his hands. You should have pushed him away, but you let him caress your face just as he had on the balcony. You always did love the way he'd softly brush the pads of his thumbs over your cheeks, wiping away your tears whenever you cried.

"I will do anything, doll. Anything. All you have to do is tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it. You want me to get down on my knees and beg? I'll do it. You want me to run around the compound naked, embarrassing the shit out of myself, screaming how much I love you? Done. You wanna kick my ass? I'll let you beat me until I'm barely breathing. Just please give me another chance. Please, doll."

Bucky's voice caught and he swallowed hard. He held your gaze as he continued trying to talk his way back into your heart.

"I know I lied and I know I hurt you so deeply that you may never be able to forgive me, but I'm hoping you can. I've regretted my decision every day. I don't think I'll ever be able to forget the look on your face as I said those words to you. It was the hardest thing I've ever done. If I could take it back, I would in a heartbeat. I love you unconditionally, Y/n. I will always want you. Even if my dumbass tells you I don't. Don't give up on me."

Bucky Barnes Imagines Vol. 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora