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Damian chuckled, shaking his head. "Sorry, boss, but this is strictly for young people. You may continue sitting around in that chair."

"Ouch, going from hanging out with me to my own younger brother. What a playboy," he sighed, his tone laced with playful sarcasm.

Damian shot him a knowing look, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Don't worry, boss, you're a close second," he quipped before heading towards the door.

As Damian left the office, Asher couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the pit of his stomach. He watched as Damian was accompanied by his bodyguards, their presence a constant reminder of the dangers that lurked outside . As much as Asher trusted Damian's ability to take care of himself, he couldn't help but worry about what dangers awaited them when they split up from one another. 

Asher quickly reached for his phone, pressing on Aiden's number. After a couple of rings, Aiden answered.

Asher's eyebrows furrowed in concern. "Aiden, I need you to-"

Aiden cut him off. "Relax, Ash. We gotta game in the basement, I know."

Asher sighed, a mixture of relief and frustration washing over him. "Just... keep an eye on him, okay? I don't want anything happening to him."

"Chill out, big bro. Damian's in good hands. We've done this a million times before."

Asher trusted Aiden, but was still unable to shake off his protective instincts. "Alright, you stay safe, too."

"Always am, bro. Now go do your boss thing, and we'll handle the fun stuff down here."

As Asher delved into his work, his mind kept wandering back to Damian. Despite Aiden's assurances, he couldn't shake off the gnawing feeling of unease. The thought of Damian's safety weighed heavily on his mind, distracting him from the tasks at hand.

With each passing minute, Asher's sense of urgency grew. He glanced at his work that he had left. He made a snap decision. He couldn't wait any longer. Damian's safety was paramount, and he needed to ensure it personally.

Grabbing his coat, Asher hurried out of his office, his mind racing with thoughts of Damian's well-being. He made his way to his car, his footsteps quickening with each stride. Ignoring the lingering doubts, he resolved to reach Damian as soon as possible, determined to keep him safe no matter what.

As Asher's car screeched to a halt in front of Aiden and their father's house, he spotted Damian and the bodyguards ascending the steps to the front door. Because of his speedy driving, Asher had arrived just in time to intercept them.

With a sense of relief flooding through him, Asher bounded out of his car and hurried over to Damian's side.

Damian turned to see Asher approaching, a smile lighting up his face. "Asher!" He gestured towards the door, "Let's all play."

Asher nodded, his gaze sweeping over Damian's form, checking for any signs of distress. Satisfied that Damian appeared unharmed, he let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. "Let's go."

Aiden swung the door open with a wide grin, catching Damian by surprise. "Yo, Damian! Finally!" he exclaimed, pulling him into a friendly hug.

Damian returned the hug with a smile, feeling the warmth of Aiden's welcome. "Hey, good to see you," he replied, his voice laced with genuine affection.

"Hey, Ash! How'd you come here?" he said, shocked to see him.

Asher gave Aiden a brief response in return, his focus on Damian as they made their way inside. The spacious interior of the mansion enveloped them, a familiar sense of comfort settling over him. Damian and Aiden started making their way to the basement, chatting about what they can try in the game today.

We Meet Again [18+] | BxBTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon