Depuis le début

"You should've told him sooner, what if he has plans on that day?" Sohee asks, walking down the stairs.

"Well, then, he should cancel them. Hi, Jake!" Jieum mutters, ending the conversation right there as she greets Jaeyun waiting for them in the living room.

"Hey, Ji." Jaeyun raises his hand to acknowledge her. He smiles when Sohee comes up to him with a hug, complimenting each other in a way Jieum doesn't need to hear.

"I was talking to Jongseong while waiting for you guys. He's cool." Jaeyun says with a grin, Jieum has a look of disbelief, and Sohee bites back a laugh.

"Where's he?" Jieum asks, and Jaeyun points out the door, noting that he's getting the car ready. He and Jieum would use a different car than Jaeyun and Sohee and will meet again at the place.

"We'll see you there!" Sohee waves at her best friend for a temporary goodbye, her hand taken by Jaeyun as he leads her to the passenger seat.

Jieum catches the couple inside their car pecking each other's cheeks and exchanging giggles. She lets a sound of a gag to hide the actual adoration that she has for the both of them being together.

"You ready?" Jongseong breathes out, snapping her out of her zone. He then escorts Jieum to the backseat and softly closes the door.


The venue is big and every corner is filled with people. There are prominent people or influencers whom Jieum is familiar with, and she shoots quick smiles at them whenever they do so first. White-clothed round tables are all around, and a bar stand is at one end. It gives a refined ambience with the slow jazz music flowing through the air, which Jieum likes. Though, she hopes she doesn't have to interact with people more than she wishes, it's not her event anyway.

She sees Jaeyun already beginning to converse with a man while his hand holds Sohee's waist, introducing his girlfriend proudly. She lets the two be and separates herself from them, with Jongseong following where she goes.

She yelps out of surprise when she is engulfed by the sight of nothing when her eyes are suddenly covered. She attempts to wriggle away but calms down the moment she hears a boyish giggle coming from behind. It puts Jongseong alert and steps in to grab the guy's arm, gesturing for him to move away but he doesn't.

"Hey, get your hands off." Jongseong cocks an eyebrow at his stubbornness. His jaw clenches when all he receives as a response is a judging look and a shake of the head.


"Jongseong, it's okay, it's okay." Jieum intrudes, raising her palm as a sign to stop Jongseong and taps his arm.

"Say meow if you're Jungwon." Jieum says after a while as if cracking a joke, but the guy lets out a cat-sounding meow in response.

Jungwon takes his hands away from Jieum's eyes and spins her around, getting attacked with an immense hug. Jieum squeezes a grunt out of him as she squeals, the hug lasting for a short split second before pulling away.

"You're so lame, Ji." Jungwon speaks provokingly with a scoff.

"Don't care. Ah, Jungwon, my favourite boy! How are you? Jake told me nothing about you coming here." Jieum says, taking her chance to pinch his nose.

"Ouch! They don't know I'm here either, I just saw you first. Anyway, I'm doing alright, what's new with you?" Jungwon breathes out.

"Hm, nothing much, I'm still me. But life's been great. Anyway, look at you looking so handsome as ever. Travelling around the world was incredible, huh?" Jieum grins ear-to-ear as she fawns on him.

"You've gotten more beautiful yourself, darling." Jungwon chuckles, flattering the girl successfully as she giggles.

Their moment is ruined by Jongseong's interruption with an obvious clear of the throat, causing both heads to turn to him. He senses the way Jungwon glances at him up and down, confused as to why a random man would involve himself in their chatter. Jieum's smile only fades, sending a message to Jongseong to go away through her brain signals, obviously of which Jongseong does not know a clue.

"Who are you, sorry?" Jungwon asks, grabbing his attention.

"Oh, no one, just my bodyguard." Jieum introduces him offhandedly. She hears a snigger shortly before a full guffaw explodes out of Jungwon.

"What?! Bodyguard? Since when?" Jungwon questions, finding the information odd.

"'My dad hired him, but don't mind him! He doesn't do well on his job, don't you, Park?" Jieum feigns an innocent smile, though Jongseong ignores her.

"You look around our age. Hello, I'm Yang Jungwon, twenty-four, you?" Jungwon offers his hand.

"Park Jongseong, twenty-five, nice to meet you." Jongseong accepts the shake of hand after introducing himself.

"Oh, so you are Jieum's age. It's funny because the first time I saw you I thought you were her boyfriend, especially when you tried to get me off from her." Jungwon makes an ironic statement, laughing on his own.

Jieum met Jungwon in senior year when he was a sophomore and has treated him like a brother ever since then. Jieum's grateful that she never told him anything about Jongseong when they used to talk about their high school lives, because who knew they were even going to know each other tonight?

However, she does need him to take back what he said just now and rather shut up.

Jungwon doesn't even detect the awkwardness that he brought about between Jieum and Jongseong when he excuses himself to greet Sohee and Jaeyun with a big trio hug.


it's the best thing I've heard this
whole week it's added to my addiction
We are so spoiled.

#giveenhypenalongbreak with no cameras
upon their faces ☺️

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