Chapter 35 - Olivia

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I start waking up not being able to remember how I even got to bed in the first place. I was awake for nearly 48 hours, so I must have just collapsed as soon as I got home. Did I text Aaron that I am back home? How many hours have I been sleeping? He must be worried sick.

I take in a breath and, with closed eyes, I extend my hand to the nightstand. To my surprise, something stops me. It's cold and hard around my wrist-- I jerk awake and confirm that I am not home. I am in a nice bed, in a nice room, but this is not mine. And there is a cuff around my wrist binding me to the headboard of the bed.

Something besides me shifts. Someone.

"Good morning, sunshine" he smiles.

It's been 15 years since I last saw his face but he hasn't changed much. Dwayne Chax. He is still as I remember him. I feel like I'm going to throw up. My heart rate quickens. My body freezes. I suddenly forget how to breathe properly.

He is here--

He took me with him--

He brought me somewhere--

Where-- How-- What--

"Oh, don't worry, peach..." he says as he runs his fingers through my hair, "I wouldn't do anything to you while you were asleep" he smirks.

I want to move away from his touch but I can't move. My body is locked up. I am probably in shock. My mind don't seem able to realize that this is real and not just another nightmare. I've learned plenty of ways to handle a situation like this but right now I can't remember even one of them.

"Please..." only a whisper comes out of my mouth

"It's not time for begging yet. We'll get to that later. All you gotta do now is relax, and get ready for breakfast" he says as he rubs my thigh


"Come on, Olivia. Did you get stupider over time?".

"Why did you bring me here?" I manage to ask

"Because I decided to not kill you again. It didn't work the first time so it must have been some kind of sign, right?" he smiles, "I watched you recover and I was fascinated by your progress. I also heard you got a pretty big chunk of money from the FBI because of me, so you're welcome for that. Before, I didn't know how fascinating and charismatic you truly are.

"For 15 years, you've been good, methodical, smart. You were focused on your career. I was focused on rebuilding my business that you and your little team tore apart. We were both doing good, so I started building this house for us. But then he came along and destroyed everything!" he yells and slaps me.

He watched me for 15 years...

He grabs me by the throat and brings me close to his face. "You knew I was there for you. You knew I watched you all these years. You gave me signs. But then you started fucking that Agent to make me jealous" he yells

"You are so delusional. I've never even thought about you. You were dead to me" I reply

"Oh no, I'm very much alive. And you're going to believe it and feel it real soon" he says and lets go of my neck. He gets out of bed, throws on a shirt and leaves the room.

What the fuck is this? He used to be smart. Did he hit his head somewhere and turned to this impulsive and delusional person? Does he expect me to stay with him here?

I crawl into a ball, holding my knees together as tightly as humanly possible. I can't do this again. I can't go through all this shit again. I'm stronger than my fear. I'm stronger than my fear. I need to be rational for a moment if I want to find a way out of this. I close my eyes and do a few breathing exercises.

He is delusional and obsessed. He went out of his way to scare me and take me once he found out about my relationship. He was acting on rage, so he must have gotten sloppy. But now that I am here, he started out sweet and got angry only when I rejected him. That means that my chances of survival depend on my behavior towards him. If I act happy and do as he says, I'll make him less tense and even gain his trust. Only then I'll be able to slip through some crack and get away.

How did I even get here in the first place? I remember Rosaline coming in my office to inform me that Andy has a witness for Chax's case, but she is out so she asked Rosaline to check it out. Rosaline didn't want to go alone so she asked me as the only other person on this case. We got suited up, then ran into Aaron, I told him we were going to interview someone, but I lied about the case part. Stupid... And Rosaline said we should... Where is Ros-- Fucking bitch, I'm going to kill her.

The door swings open, causing me to jump. Chax walks in with a tray full of food. "The cook offered to bring it up but I thought we should enjoy some more alone time" he says, smiling

He is calm again. That's good.

He places the tray in front of me and sits by my side. He takes a bite of everything first to show me that it's safe. My stomach is turning but I pick up a toast with my free hand to avoid pissing him again. I'm shaking badly, so I just bite into it quickly and put my hand down.

"Thank you" I say, hesitating a bit

"You're welcome, peach" he rubs my cheek. "Let me know if there is anything else you need".

I breathe slowly.
I am stronger than my fear.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" I ask

"Sure" he sighs.

He unlocks my cuff and chains it to himself. He takes me to the bathroom. Every second of the way there, my eyes scan the room to spot anything I could use as a weapon later. The house looks giant. He mentioned a cook so there has to be more people that just us here. It's probably his people so screaming for help will do more harm than good to me right now.

He follows me on the toilet, with his hand still cuffed to mine, and watches me as I pee. This isn't even the worst thing he's done to me so I don't even care. I finish and he gets me back to the bedroom.

"It looks like a nice day outside" I mention looking out the window. We are in the middle of nowhere.

"Don't even think about it" he clenches his jaw as he put my chain back on the bed

"I wasn't. I was just saying. I'd rather be here with you anyway" actually saying it was harder than I thought

"That's exactly what I was thinking" he smiles again. He leans in and kisses me. I want to throw up. But I go on with it.

I try to think of someone else. I try to imagine someone else. But my body is already rejecting him. I want to die right now.

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