Chapter 26 - Olivia

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Aaron and I have successfully passed the 4-month mark of our relationship without anyone finding out. I consider that a win, especially when Rossi is included. However, it feels lonely sometimes. I wish I could tell someone. I wish we could just talk without fighting to keep a straight face in front of the others. I wish we could stop looking over our shoulder when walking together. I am happy, I am in love and I want to be able to display it. And I also feel bad for lying to David.

But if the wrong person finds out, we could both be fired. 10 years worth of work will go down the drain, and after that my mother will be insufferable. 'I told you it's not worth it. You should have married Joshua and you would have a family by now to take care of, and you wouldn't have any health problems because of them. Family is the most precious and healing thing'. I have heard these words a million times, and I don't want to hear the 'I told you so'. I love her, but her obsession with always being right is exhausting.

The next best thing is I either have to get demoted or Aaron has to get promoted, so we could be on the same level. However if Aaron gets promoted and then our relationship becomes known, I will look very biased. It was a long way to get where I am today, I don't want to lose my position. I hope that soon there will be another opening for a position equal or above my current one. I have no doubt I'll get it since my performance so far has been close to perfect. And once I transfer away from the BAU, we can be less secretive.

"Chief Stephens..." my secretary enters my office, "SSA Andy Swann is here, she insists on talking to you" she informs me

"Let her in".

I stand from my seat as she enters and walk around the desk to greet her. "Nice office" she says

"Thank you". We hug for a moment, "How are you?"

"Good. How are you?"

"Great. Do you want some coffee?" I offer

"No, thank you. I can't stay for long. I just have to tell you something"

"Something regarding the task force?" I wonder

"Yes. The director is keeping it contained, but it is urgent you get informed".

I freeze. Fear creeps into my chest. "No..." I whisper

"We believe that Dwayne Chax has resurfaced".

Suddenly, I can't feel my legs. The only thing I sense is his hands on my skin, and my stomach turns. It has been so many years but I still remember everything. I can still pinpoint the spot on my chest where he stabbed me with the needle that contained potassium chloride.

I put my hands under the desk to hide my shaking. "Olivia, we are on top of it. There is no reason to believe he will go after you or Rosaline. And if he even tries to make a move, we will get him. I just thought you'd want to know" Andy reassures me

"Yes. Thank you for letting me know" I reply, trying to get her out of here before I break down in front of her.

She nods. "I can give you full access to his file for this new investigation, so you be up to date with everything"

"Yes, I'd appreciate that"

"I'll email you when it's ready".

Her phone rings and she has to leave. As soon as she exits the office, I run to the bathroom. I fall to my knees on the first stall and throw up. I can drink tons without vomiting afterwards, but fear is my worst enemy. It paralizes me, and shuts me down.

Returning to my office, I am shaking. I can't wear the 'fierce and emotionless' mask on even for a second. I call David as I panic walk. He isn't answering. "Come on, Rossi..." a shakey breath leaves my lips.

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