Chapter 13: Mind Games

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Some say a mind is a steel trap. In Derek's case, his was literally encased in one. His body sat there, still strapped in the chair, the upgraded artificial Octoling goggles on his face. A heartbroken Kelly gently touched his cheek. It was just the two of them in the Room of No Return.

"I'm so sorry," she said through tears. "I understand if you never forgive me and even splat me." Kelly paused to sniffle and wipe her eyes. "I love you."

"Number 6, where are you?" called a voice down the corridor. Kelly jumped and realized she couldn't stay any longer. She got up and ran for the door, pausing to look back at Derek. He sat there motionless, waiting for orders. Kelly sighed and hurriedly exited the room before she got caught. And there Derek remained, arms strapped to the chair, slowly but steadily breathing, perfectly unflinching as his mind was uploaded to the Octarian Empire's network mainframe.

Derek awoke with a gasp in the darkness. He looked around his surroundings, which was kinda pointless as it was completely pitch black. Derek stood up, trying to remember everything that had happened. He couldn't recall much other than the hands/tentacles dragging him down into the darkness. Which was weird, because he was still in darkness. The silence was deafening. Derek couldn't stand it any longer.

"Hello?" No response. Derek sighed in frustration. He took a single step forwards. Immediately he began falling. Derek yelled as he plummeted in the dark. A light slowly came into view, blinding Derek. He shielded his eyes as he fell and yelled. Abruptly he slammed onto the floor. Derek stood up, brushing himself off, and looked around.

Wait, this is the living room of our old house, he realized. Wait, that means- A young boy, maybe around 6 or 7 years old, ran through him with a terrified squeal. Derek startled as he felt the child go through him, but at least learned that he was no more than a nonexistent ghost. The boy screamed and hid behind the sofa, peeking out with a scared expression.

"Oh no," Derek said as he realized what was happening. A scream came from the kitchen, and there was a clatter of pots and pans.

"You stupid woman!" came an angry man's voice.

"I'm sorry!" cried a voice that Derek recognized as his mother.

"Mom?" Derek asked, swallowing as he realized the situation.

"Leave her alone!" came a young boy's voice.

"Shut up, boy!" came the man's voice. Derek winced at the sound of a hard smack, followed by a pained wail.

"Get your hands off of him! Don't you touch him!" Caroline, Derek's mother, ran around the corner, practically dragging a young Kevin behind her as she tried to get the both of them away. A young Stacy ran behind them and hid behind Caroline, crying loudly.

"Derek! You're insane!" Caroline screamed in the direction of the kitchen. Derek flinched at the sound of his name, even though he knew he wasn't the Derek in question. He looked back at the small boy behind the sofa, who now had tears streaming down his face, and bent down to face him.

"Hey," Derek began. "It's going to be over soon. You'll never have to see Dad again."

"I'm leaving!" Caroline exclaimed, grabbing her purse and car keys. "And I'm taking the kids with me!" She looked behind the sofa. "Junior, come on. We're going somewhere." The small boy quickly joined his mother's side, and Caroline left with Stacy, Kevin, and Derek Jr. behind her.

"Woman!" hollered Derek's father. "You get back here with those kids!" He began to come around the corner from the kitchen into the living room, and Derek gasped, covering his eyes. The room began to fade, and Derek was left in the dark again. He grabbed his pounding hearts and fell to his knees, trying to catch his breath.

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