Chapter 5: The Day the World Fell

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As Monica floated unconsciously in her stasis tube, her arms crossed across her chest and her body posed in an almost fetal position, she began to dream, and drifted off into the past. The bubbling green GenMo goo playfully popping near her ears became the sounds of buildings crashing, and suddenly the memories of that fateful day that changed the direction of the lives of every living Octoling flooded her brain.


    "Good morning, my love." Monica stirred at the sound of her mother's voice. Melody stood over her in her bed, caressing her daughter's hair gently. Mother and daughter's eyes met.

    "Morning, Mom," Monica yawned sleepily with a stretch. "Happy Remembrance Day." The false sunlight from Octopolis City's sky screens shone in through her bedroom window. Melody gave her daughter a soft smile.

    "It's not just Remembrance Day," she said. "Happy birthday, sweetheart." Monica blinked at her sleepily.

    "What's the point of having a birthday if no one celebrates it?" she moaned. Melody frowned.

    "Don't be like that today," she reprimanded her daughter gently. "It's your 14th birthday. We should treat it like a special day, even if no one else does." Monica sighed and sat up in her bed.

    "You're right," she said. "It might be Remembrance Day, but it's also my day." Melody smiled, and the two Octolings hugged.

    "Let's make this a day to remember."

The sound of footsteps racing down the alleys of Octopolis were not unusual to this broken city as the Octoking Gang chased their prey, cornering him in an alley with a chainlink fence.

    "You're trapped," said the Octoking leader, stepping forwards. "You have no choice but to hand over any valuables you have." The gang's prey turned his head, blind eyes staring at them.

    "What valuables do I have?" Ezra asked with a shrug. "I own nothing."

    "Your earring," replied the leader.

    "I'm afraid I can't give that up," replied Ezra, reaching up and touching it. "This is the only thing I have to remember my mother by before she left me, alone in the city to fend for myself." The leader took another step forwards.

    "I don't care. That earring will sell for a load of money." Ezra made tight fists, ready to defend what was his.

    "Ian, wait," said the leader's second-in-command, grabbing his shoulder. "Maybe we should think about this." Ian ripped his shoulder out of the other Octoling's grasp, his Surfcurl hairstyle bouncing from the motion.

    "Alecs, he's blind for cod's sake. What can he do?" Ian snapped, glaring at his younger twin.

    "Oh, I can do quite a lot," growled Ezra, fully turning around now. Everyone in the Octoking Gang took a step back, expecting the blind Octoling to run at them. Ezra instead leapt in the air and backflipped over the chainlink fence, mockingly bowing before scrambling off.

    "Get him!" Ian yelled. The gang clambered over the fence, but Ezra was long gone.

    "Where'd he go?" Alecs hollered.

    "We lost him," reported one of the gang members.

    "Carp! Fishsticks!" Ian swore, stomping his foot on the ground. "That earring would've brought us in so much money!" He grit his teeth. "The next time I see that blind freak, he's gonna get it!" Alecs winced.

    "He's blind," he said. "Even if he's good at getting away, he may not be able to fend for himself." Ian grabbed Alecs by his hair tentacle.

    "Who the carp cares?" he screamed. "We fought and clawed our way to the top of the food chain, demolishing any rival gang who dared swim in our way. We will not be bending over for a sightless scrap of scum!" Ian's demeanor changed upon seeing his brother's fright, and he released his grip. "That blind boy will get away today though," he said, clearing his throat. "The next time we find him though, should we ever run into him again, he won't be so lucky." The twins stared at each other for a moment, before Alecs spoke.

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