Chapter 2: Pick a Pickpocket

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The sound of a cephalopod flying through the air echoed throughout the chilly early morning in New Octopolis City. Early risers peered out their windows up at the false sky as two more ink trails decorated the fake sunrise. Monica's metal boot soles slammed onto the highest floating platform in the underground dome, small sparks flying. Alecs and Kimberly landed behind her, and the three Octolings made their way to the kettle lid just above them.

    "Ugh, it's so cold," complained Kimberly. "You'd expect them to turn up the heat a little since the 'sun' is coming up now." She made air quotes with her fingers.

    "Yeah but we're not exactly liked by, well, everyone," Alecs replied. "We're what's left of the eighth squadron, lowest of the low. Literally bottom rung of the ladder."

    "Doesn't exactly help that Eddison won our duel," added Monica, climbing up the short ladder and unlocking the lock on the kettle lid. "I don't understand how I lost even though we have pretty much the same genetic modifications."

    "He is trained to splat on sight, whereas you were trained for capturing our enemies alive," Kimberly said. "Training could've been a reason, not necessarily modifications."

    "You're not wrong there," Monica admitted with a sigh, pushing up the kettle lid. She and her stepbrother Eddison, known as Number 7 in the GenMo Octoling ranks, had never gotten along and had always competed for their parents' attention. It didn't help that he was naturally better at a lot of things than she was. Monica looked at her two underlings. "Alright, we've got two months to do this. Let's get to Octo Canyon."

The sound of Splattack! playing as her phone alarm stirred Jewel from her sleep, and the sleepy light blue Inkling fumbled around for the silence option on the squid-shaped phone. Slowly she sat up, easing herself awake with a yawn and a stretch. Jewel reached down and put on a pair of socks and her favorite pair of shoes - Power Boots. They weren't the most fashionable shoes out there but they were great for Turf Wars. She slipped on her white dress over her black undershirt, and grabbed her Zekko Mesh cap off of one of the bed posts. As she left her room, she saw Derek putting his hair up in his ponytail, holding the ponytail holder in his teeth and two long hair tentacles in both hands.

    "Goh moring," Derek said through the ponytail holder in his teeth, glancing at her as he took it out of his mouth and wrapped it around his hair.

    "Morning," replied Jewel, rubbing an eye. "You wanna head to that food truck Sheldon got our dinner from?"

    "Yeah, one sec," Derek replied, as he slipped his Zombie Hi-Horses on, adjusted his Zapfish Satin Jacket, and put on his Designer Headphones. "Okay, Let's go."

Inkopolis Square was very busy this morning. Inklings were out shopping, playing the outdoor arcade machines, stuffing their faces with deep-fried foods, and bragging about Ranked Battle victories. Jewel and Derek had just finished their breakfast wraps and were sitting at a cafe table nearby the Crust Bucket, trying to decide what to do next.

    "Where should we go next?" asked Jewel, looking around. "Sheldon wanted us to get settled in first before we started working for him again." Derek glanced over at The Shoal, a popular arcade chain.

    "Let's go in there," he said, pointing at the building. "Looks interesting."

    "Yeah, let's go." The two Inklings left the table and made their way into the arcade. The Shoal was decently packed today for a Tableturf tournament. Jewel and Derek, who had never played Tableturf, weren't too interested in the tournament. They did take turns playing Squid Jump on an older arcade machine. Neither of them were too great at it, but still had fun seeing how far they could last.

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