Revali may not be battling with homelessness or addiction, but I'm sure he has his own set of problems that he is dealing with. Like his unhappy living situation. On multiple occasions he has expressed his discontent with living at the frat house, yet he seems to deal with it on his own, week after week after week.

All my friends... And all these challenges... They are but pieces of a complex puzzle.

Turning my phone over again, the screen lights up with Revali's message big and bright across the lock screen.

*Just lmk when you're free* he said.

And suddenly it hits me! This puzzle is not complex at all! It's fairly simple, actually, and I think I just solved it!

Could this really be the answer?

"Father," I begin, still figuring out if I am really going through with this.

The solution, so simple, yet so profound, begins to take shape in my mind. My heart races as I consider the potential of this plan. Could it really work?

"Zelda?" He raises a curious brow. "What is it?"

I don't overthink it. Although I probably should. I should take some time to carefully contemplate this decision. But it feels right.

It is right.

And there is nothing holding me back anymore.

I raise my gaze to meet my father's, newfound confidence shining in my eyes.

"I want to move out."

There is a moment of silence that stretches between us. Father seems to be processing my words, likely questioning whether he heard me correctly. Meanwhile, I, too, grapple with the reality of the words I've just spoken.

It makes so much sense. If I move out, I have the freedom to bring Malice with me. I could offer her a real home. A place where she doesn't have to hide. Link could live with us as well. He would have a safe and stable place to stay and our relationship would finally have the room and freedom to flourish without any more obstacles. And by offering Revali to live with us as well, he wouldn't have to live at the frat house anymore.

Father, however, looks at me with a mixture of disbelief and aversion.

Leaning forward over his desk, his head slightly tilted, he softly utters a hesitant, "Pardon?"

"I want to move out," I say again, more resolute than the first time.

"Move out?" He repeats, a whirlwind of questions tumbling from his lips. "Move out to live where? And how? And with whom? By yourself? You, all alone?"

"Slow down," I bid. "Please don't freak out."

"Zelda," he shakes his head, his eyes wide with surprise. "No."

"Why not?" I ask, remaining calm.

"You are too young to be thinking about moving out."

"I am 19," I say.

"You are 18."

"I'm turning 19 in less than a month," I counter.

"How are you going to pay for your own apartment?"

"I will get a job."

"You?" He scoffs rudely. "While double majoring?"




"I won't allow it."

"You've agreed to it once before," I say.

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