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Y/n started to laugh in disbelief-
"So you're telling me I...uhmm"
Y/n holds her head "I have nothing to say.!"

Niki, now with an air of mystery, added, "The threat is real, Y/N. Wooseok and your sister carry the echoes of our past enemies. If we don't stop them in this life, history might repeat itself not only in this life but the next and so on."

Determined, Heeseung spoke, "We need your help to break the curse and rewrite our fate."
"But how?" Y/n said confused.

As they delved into the intricacies of supernatural warfare and ancient prophecies, Y/N found herself caught in a web of danger and destiny. With Niki's seriousness now focused on protecting her, they embarked on a quest to unravel the secrets of their shared past and ensure a happy ending.

In a world where vampires, werewolves, and ancient betrayals collided, Y/N and the boys faced challenges that transcended time. The fate of their intertwined souls rested on their ability to confront the shadows of the past and forge a new destiny, where love and loyalty triumphed over ancient curses.

Will they be able to change their FATE??

Sunoo, attempting to sound mature and serious, cleared his throat. "Y/N, in this quest, remember, the key to breaking curses is like... uh, finding a rainbow in a sunflower field."

The others exchanged confused glances, and Niki couldn't help but give Sunoo a side-eye, his seriousness faltering.

Sunoo continued confidently, "Yeah, you know, like the ancient saying goes, 'When the moon dances with the stars, the tacos will reveal the path to salvation.'"

Niki facepalmed, muttering, "Tacos, really?"

Amidst the supernatural seriousness, Sunoo's unintentional comedic relief turned the tension into laughter, reminding everyone that even in the face of ancient prophecies, a good dose of humor was essential.

Heeseung furrowed his brow at Sunoo, "Sunoo, what does any of that even mean?"

Sunoo scratched his head, looking genuinely confused, "I don't know, it just sounded deep in my head."

Jungwon, with a bemused smile, asked, "Why did you say it then?"

Sunoo shrugged, "I wanted to sound cool and mature, you know, like Niki and everyone."

Jungwon chuckled, "Buddy, I think you missed the mark on that one."

Meanwhile, Sunghoon couldn't contain his adoration for Sunoo's unintentional humor, muttering, "Cute."

Jake, giving Sunghoon a puzzled look, whispered, "Is he okay?"

Sunghoon just grinned, "He's being Sunoo."

Jake shakes his head in disbelief.

Y/N, with a determined expression, turned to the group. "Alright, we need a plan. How do we find Wooseok and Mauli in Korea?"

Jungwon, taking charge, suggested, "We should start by gathering information. They can't be too far off. We'll check places they might frequent, trace any unusual activities, and tap into our supernatural connections if needed."

Heeseung added, "I can use my vampire senses to pick up any peculiar scents. If they're in the vicinity, we'll know."

Niki, maintaining his serious demeanor, proposed, "We'll also need to tap into the underworld network. There might be supernatural beings who've crossed paths with them."

Jake, always the pragmatic one, chimed in, "Let's split into teams. One group focuses on the mundane investigation, and the other explores the supernatural avenues. We can cover more ground that way."

As they divided into teams, Sunoo, ever the optimist, suggested, "Maybe we can ask the taco stand owners. You never know, they might have seen something."

Sunghoon rolled his eyes, muttering, "Tacos again."

With their plan in motion, the group delved into the bustling streets of Seoul. The city lights served as a backdrop to their quest, blending the modern with the supernatural. Each team pursued leads, interrogated informants, and followed every thread that might lead to Wooseok and Mauli.

Amidst the investigative fervor, Sunoo couldn't resist making a pit stop at a taco stand, insisting it was for "investigative purposes." The amused taco vendor raised an eyebrow as Sunoo questioned him about any unusual sightings.

As the night unfolded, the group wove through the city's intricate tapestry, hoping to untangle the mystery that bound their fates. The hunt for Wooseok and Mauli in Korea had begun, and with each step, the supernatural and the mundane intertwined in their pursuit of a happy ending.

As the group followed the mysterious clues, they found themselves in an ancient underground chamber. Illuminated by flickering torches, the walls were adorned with symbols that seemed to pulsate with an otherworldly energy. In the center of the room lay an ornate chest.

With cautious anticipation, they opened the chest to reveal not an artifact but a series of enchanted mirrors. Each mirror reflected different moments from their past lives, revealing the intricate tapestry of connections that bound them across centuries.

However, the biggest shock came when Y/N gazed into one of the mirrors – the reflection showed her sister Mauli, not as an antagonist, but as a prisoner of a malevolent force manipulating the events. The revelation left the group in disarray, realizing that breaking the curse meant not only freeing Wooseok and Mauli but also battling a formidable ancient entity.

[I'm sorry for the late publish as I'm having my exams 😅, anyways please give stars to my story , commentand please follow.]

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