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??: Then it's just simply kill y/n!

Mauli laughs hysterically: That's the worst idea anyone could ever suggest because old man do you think it's that easy to kill her??

??: Not old man, it's woo-seok, byeon woo seok.

Mauli: whatever, but it's not that easy to kill that *****, she is protected by everyone.

Woo Seok: Even her sister?? Well, don't worry about that. I have a plan in that case too all you have to do is make me and my men sneakily get inside your kingdom.

Mauli: it's late I'll go and think about it.

Woo seok: minhyuk go with her and make sure she doesn't get hurt. She's one of the most important people I care about.

Min-hyuk: yes, sir.

Sunghoon continues narrating:


Minhyuk accompanied Mauli back to the kingdom, keeping a close eye on her. Mauli, torn between her desire for revenge and her love for her sister,  struggled with the decision. Meanwhile, the ENHA Kingdom continued to celebrate, oblivious to the looming threat.

As days passed, Woo Seok's plan unfolded. Minhyuk, under Woo Seok's influence, subtly worked to weaken the kingdom's defences. Mauli, conflicted and guilt-ridden, faced the dilemma of betraying her blood for the sake of a twisted revenge plot.

One fateful night, as the kingdom slept, Woo Seok and his men infiltrated the ENHA Kingdom. Silent shadows moved through the corridors, aiming to execute their sinister plan. Mauli, burdened by the weight of her choices, secretly guided them to strategic points within the castle.

The atmosphere in the kingdom shifted, and unease settled among its inhabitants. The once vibrant celebration now had an underlying tension. Unbeknownst to everyone, a dangerous threat was inching closer.

Amid the chaos, you, Y/n, started having strange dreams, visions warning you of an impending danger. The representatives, including Jay and the others, began to sense a disturbance in the balance of their emotions.

As the night unfolded, Mauli, standing at a crossroads, had to make a final decision. Loyalty to her sister or allegiance to Woo Seok's dark ambitions - the choices weighed heavily on her. The fate of the kingdom rested on her shoulders.

The night was about to climax, and the destiny of the ENHA Kingdom hung in the balance as Woo Seok's sinister plan approached its climax.

Mauli stood at the precipice of a decision that would irreversibly alter the course of her life. As she guided Woo Seok and his men through the kingdom, a wave of conflicting emotions surged within her. The weight of her betrayal and the impending danger to her sister, Y/n, grew heavier with each step.

Unknown to Mauli, Jay, Sunghoon, and the other representatives sensed the disturbance. They gathered in a hurried conference, realizing that the unity of the ENHA Kingdom was under threat. Determined to protect the kingdom and their loved ones, they set out to confront Mauli.

As Mauli led Woo Seok into the heart of the kingdom, her internal turmoil intensified. Memories of her childhood with Y/n flooded her mind, and a pang of remorse echoed through her heart. The realization of the consequences of her actions began to dawn on her.

Just as Woo Seok and his men prepared to strike, Jay, Sunghoon, and the others confronted Mauli. The air crackled with tension as emotions clashed. Jay, with a mixture of disappointment and sorrow, implored Mauli to reconsider.

At that moment, Mauli's internal struggle reached its peak. A surge of regret overwhelmed her, and she faltered. Y/n, unaware of the impending danger, entered the scene, sensing the discord among her once-united siblings.

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