Labyrinth Runners: As Told By Palismen

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It was a new day and Willow, Gus and Amity were sat in the cafeteria. Alongside them was their palismen, Clover, Emmeline and Ghost.
"There are the last few messages I got from Luz..." Amity said worriedly, showing Willow and Gus her cat tamagotchi-like device, "She must've typed them quickly, because all I could decipher was, 'Learned a lot of bad stuff,' something, something, 'Day of Unity,' something, something and, 'Don't scare him away'? I don't know what any of it means..."
The other two gave worried looks and so did their palismen.
"What about all those hearts?" Gus asked, trying to break the silence.
"Oh," Amity replied while blushing, "...Those are for me!"
"Huh, I wonder what Luz is doing?" Clover said, lying on the floor.
"I don't know, I hope she's ok..." Emmeline mumbled.
"Me too, I don't like seeing Amity sad like this, she spent all last night crying!" Ghost said.
"Oh yeah, I forgot you were here!" Emmeline said, realising the white cat was here.
Ghost growled a little.
"So I'm guessing we've made up, huh?" Clover asked.
"Well I guess if Amity is friends with your owners, we could be friends too!" Ghost replied, smiling.
The three palismen stopped talking so that they could continue listening to their owners conversation.
"I went by and checked out the Owl House. It was crawling with Coven Scouts. I was thinking of capturing one for information, but..." Willow was about to say but was then interrupted.
"It's okay Willow, they're tough. Not everyone can stand up to them!" Amity said.
"But I didn't want to bring any more attention to Luz and Eda," Willow explained, squinting suspiciously at her ex best friend.
"Oh! Of course... smart move!" Amity mumbled awkwardly.
Then Clover stared at Ghost with narrowed eyes.
"What?" Ghost said, taken aback, "It's not my fault Willow is a Half-a-witch..."
"HOW DARE YOU CALL WILLOW A HALF-A-WITCH!!!" Clover screamed back.
But just before anything else could happen, the bell rang. Amity then picked up her food tray and walked away from the table. Willow looked down at the floor with a sad expression on her face.
"Hey, maybe you should say something?" Gus suggested, putting his hand on her shoulder.
"I'm fine... we just started hanging out again, and she needs time to get to know the new me," Willow replied, moving his hand off of her shoulder.
"You mean, the real you!" Gus said, winking at her.
Willow nodded and winked back. Clover flew onto her owner's shoulder and the two walked off with Amity. Meanwhile, Gus picked up his bag of food but then he hears a rattling noise coming from behind him.
He turned around to see a red cardinal fly out of the rubbish bin with a sandwich.
"I remember you!" Gus gasped.
Flapjack chirped, dropped the sandwich and then began to fly away.
"Wait get pack here!" Gus shouted, putting the paper bag in his pocket and summoned his staff.
With that, Gus began chasing Flapjack. The poor cardinal had no idea what was going on and naively ended up leading the boy to Hunter.
Tha palismen then ended up leading Gus to the Paranoratorium. When they got there, the boy looked around curiously until he then found that standing behind him was Hunter.
"What are you doing here, Golden Guard?" Gus asked, taking back out the staff form on Emmeline even though she didn't want to hurt him.
"That doesn't matter, but rest assured Gus I-" Hunter was about to explain when there was some clattering noises coming from nearby.
It was then Gus spotted a bunch of packets of Hex Mix in the corner of the room. Hunter is embarrassed by that and tries to hide it with his torn cape.
"I'll ask you one more time. What are you doing here, Hunter?" Gus asked.
Hunter wasn't really too sure how to explain until Flapjack flies over and begins pecking at his hair strand.
'Noodle!' Flapjack thought as he did so.
"Owwwwww, okay I'll explain!" Hunter shouted.
As Hunter explained, Flapjack was too busy in thought. Now that the two were in Hexside, maybe they would see Clover and Willow again...
After a few minutes, there was a voice heard from a speaker nearby, similar to the one is the Palismen forest.
"Students, please join me in the gym for an important announcement!" Principle Bump announced.
Gus then turned back towards Hunter.
"I'm not sure what you're going through, but that much Hex Mix can't be good for your stomach," He said and handed his bag of lunch to him.
As Hunter began looking through the contents of the bag, Gus ran off

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