Hunter meets Willow

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It was a new day and Willow was excited. As soon as she woke up she began to scream excitedly...
Clover woke up, startled. She then tilted her head in confusion. Willow sighed with a smile before beginning to explain...
"I get it, you haven't been to one before. So the Hexside school fair is when you get to promote a club. For the last several years I've tried to promote a carnivorous plant caring club but nobody ever joins... So I've made a new club!" Willow explained.
Clover was still half asleep so she was still a little confused but she just nodded her head slowly.
Then, Willow pulled her out of bed and they ran into the forest and began to train. Willow was lifting waits and skipping over ropes, it was incredible for Clover to watch.
After that, Clover turned into a staff and flew to Hexside...
Meanwhile, Hunter was sneaking around at Hexside. He had a new mission to recruit members of the school to the Emperor's Coven and he didn't want to mess up.
Hunter was completely clueless on what teenagers liked and how they behave so he was failing, miserably. But then, he accidentally stepped on something... like a tail...
Hunter got onto Flapjack and flew in the air while a raging griffin chased after him.
Willow looked up at the sky as her gaw dropped. She had never seem anyone with such amazing flying skills and she was astounded.
When Hunter and Flapjack flew down, Willow began to chat to him about joining her Flyer Derby team.
Flapjack realised that the girl talking to him was the same girl who picked Clover, except the girl now had plaits in her hair. The cardinal then looked around and then he spotted Clover.
Clover looked at him and smiled.
They both thought that maybe their plan was about to work!
Hunter joined the game and they played Flyer Derby, but none of that was really important Flapjack and Clover. They had spotted that they've helped each other and possible blushing.
They agreed that it might take a couple of months but they would be together very soon.
...But then, Hunter revealed why he was actually their...
Flapjack actually had no idea any of this was going on, he had no idea that the Emerald Entrails joining the Emperor's Coven was the reason they were here.
"Maybe this isn't going to work..." Flapjack said to the bee palismen.
"Don't lose hope Flap, I still believe they can work together!" Closer said, "Maybe they could even be apart of the 'enemies to loves' trope!"
Flapjack facepalmed himself before flying back to Hunter...
At the end of the day, Flapjack did gain the tiniest bit of hope but not much. However, Clover was absolutely sure Huntlow would be a thing.
"Tweet twee tweeeee? (What do you think of Willow?)" Flapjack asked.
"Uhhh, I don't know..." Hunter said, slightly blushing.
"Tweet (Ok)" Flapjack replied with a smug face...


How's everyone doing?
I know I don't normally update on Thursday but, my schedule for this fanfic is basically whenever I have the motivation I'll make a new chapter
And... yeah, see you in the next chapter! Byyeeeee!!!

❀𝔹𝕚𝕣𝕕𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕒 𝔽𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣❀  |A Huntlow Fanfic| Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora