its my 10 month friendiversary with my best friend today!!

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since its such a special day today, ive decided to dedicate a whole chapter in my book to my amazing best friend  Fookingavocados028

10 months ago today was when i met them here thinking our friendship would probably only last a couple of months, possibly even less, but look how wrong i was

its been exactly 306 days and our friendship is stronger than ever

over the past few months leading up to today, ive had a really long time to just sit and appreciate having such an amazing best friend in my life. from all the little moments we spend together to the huge debates we have over something so silly and meaningless really makes me see how lucky i am to get to experience all that and for such a long time as well

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when i think back to when i first met sahar, im still completely amazed at the fact that we became friends over me helping them write a fic they were working on. back then all we'd ever talk about is grammar correction and my opinion on a chapter they were working on and to be honest, i really didnt see a way out of that cycle

that is, until it actually happened

and after that it was only uphill cruising

i might have to double check this but i think it was sometime in mid may when we tied the knot officially on our friendship as being best friends. im pretty sure i asked first but i remember being completely shocked when they said they felt the same way about it. literally, for the next week or two after that day i was constantly asking shit like 'but are you completely sure?' possibly to the point where it might of became a bit annoying but in my defense, stuff like that never happens to me. and i mean never

although before i met sahar, i did have a different best friend who i thought i was gonna be friends with forever but the way i felt with her compared to sahar was completely different. i cant really explain it but with them i just knew they were the one. and after my ex best friend ditched me, it was really clear who was the better friend. so when me and sahar became best friends, it was sort of like the first day in what felt like years where i was truly happy and comfortable with a friend. it sort of opened my eyes to see that theres more to life than toxic ex friends and people who give you shit for no reason

fast forward to the 23rd july and we were having our first ever voice call. for directioners day, we had planned to have our first ever call to not only celebrate one direction's 13th anniversary but to also celebrate how far our friendship had gone since we first met

that and also im pretty sure at that point we both were really desperate to hear what each other sounded like so a call would be a perfect way to do that. except when it did come to that time, i was literally the one basically doing all the talking. i know sahar will never admit this but they were so nervous to talk, even after i had talked about the most random shit for like half an hour straight

although to be honest, i was pretty anxious about that as well but as soon as they answered the call, something inside of me just switched to purely focus all my attention on constantly speaking and i guess it was a good thing that i did because after that call we managed to agree to do it again sometime. and to my surprise, that was the next day

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