my wattpad notifs are broke i think

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for some strange weird ass reason, wattpad decided to be a dick and delay my notifications so bad

i have no idea if it was purposely or if its just a glitch in the system but now my notifs are delayed so much and its really starting to get on my nerves

i cant tell if its affecting my pms as well but it definitely is for announcements and shit. basically, someone would announce something right like they usually do then i get a notification saying theyve announced it but when i click on their profile and go to their message board it literally says that same announcement was posted like 4 hours ago and i have no idea whats up with that

now i have to check everything manually and even then it doesnt always work and its so frustrating. i have important things to be doing, i have no time for stupid fucking delays like this yet for some reason its happening

if you say something to me and it takes like a million years for me to reply then i apologise

blame wattpad for it

i dont even know whats going on anymore, this better end soon

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