《 28. The Loss 》

Start from the beginning

He gestured towards the couch and said,"Sit."

I didn't sit, I didn't have time for it. I had too handle the matter before it went out of my hand or I would lose Janaki.

He started,"I know it very well, you are angry with your brother. I understand that. I was also surprised when I started arranging his dates with some princesses, he didn't go on any single meet so I was forced to ask him his reason. He surprised me and said that there is only one woman whom he could ever think of marrying and that is Princess Chandanidevi."

Babasa didn't know about Chandani and Aditya being each other's first love. Because those years he was mostly abroad, in the name of expanding the business but in reality he was just trying to escape the hollow caused after Maasa's death, we don't blame him, at least Adi doesn't, as that was when he met Chandani, and for me well that was when the dark cloud named Tanya entered my sunny life and darkened the whole damn sky. But I don't say it out loud, why to tell your pain to those around you and maim them too?

"I denied as there have been rumours about the princesses' involvement with a prince when she was a pubescent. Everyone of our Rajput families know about her, she isn't a decent woman. I told this to Adi, but that stubborn child angrily broke his hand-painted vase and said that he would never marry anyone other than her. So I gave up."

"Hmm, there are a lot of things to talk about here, but I still can't find a reason as to why I was left out in this whole scene? Why did you or Adi didn't inform me of this marriage thing? Babasa you too left me out? When will you learn to let go of that past me? WHEN? ADITYA COULD'T LET MY MISTAKES GO, BUT AT LEAST YOU CAN, RIGHT? CAN'T YOU SEE THE MAN I HAVE BECOME?" I yelled at him after so long.

He looked at me and smiled,"Its not like that, Raghav. If I hadn't forgiven you then why would I have made you agree with me? Why would I have made a deal with you? Why would have I given you the time of three years when you were 21? That when you turned 24 I would have you joined the business. I gave you three years, from 21 to 24, three years to pick yourself up and make sure you are ready to be the heir to the Rajput Group of Hotels and Bikaner's Crown Prince and then I gave you additional five years so you could focus on the business and get yourself aligned with your goals, which you successfully did. You achieved everything a father would want to watch his children to achieve. And I am proud of you. And now that you are getting married to Janaki also makes me giddy with happiness, if the Raghav at 21 saw the Raghav at 29 wouldn't he be proud? Wouldn't he stand with his proud chest at the world? Cause I would be. And about Aditya, beta, he too soon will come around, he will forgive you, trust me, none of my sons are cruel."

I couldn't believe my father had finally appreciated my sacrifices and struggles. He acknowledged my whole journey and I couldn't believe it that at least there was someone out there who understood me other than Janaki.

I replied,"Thank you, Babasa. It was not at all easy to reach here but I did, thanks to your guidance and support during those times. And I am sorry for yelling at you."

He chuckled,"Its okay, beta. Parents only have two ways to know what goes on in their child's mind. One way is when their child is crying and wailing while narrating their hardships and other is when their child is angry and in anger speaks the truth. I have seen you at both the points, trust me this one I like better."

Saying that he opened his arms for me and I headed towards him to hug him.

After so long it felt like I was finally coming home. I missed him a lot all this while.

The Elite Bride( I was enchanted to meet you, princess)Where stories live. Discover now