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The evening sky was painted with hues of orange and pink as Sunoo rushed through the bustling streets, his heart pounding with worry. Jake's urgent call had filled him with dread, his mind racing with worst-case scenarios as he made his way to the address he had been given.

As he reached the designated spot, Sunoo found himself walking along a path strewn with delicate flower petals, confusion gnawing at his insides. His eyes widened in surprise as he came across pictures of himself and Heeseung hanging from the trees, memories captured in frozen moments of time.

In the distance, he spotted Heeseung, a bouquet of flowers in hand, his smile lighting up the dimming light of the evening. Without a second thought, Sunoo ran to him, his heart overflowing with relief and love as he wrapped his arms around Heeseung, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry, did I worry you too much?" Heeseung asked, guilt evident in his voice as Sunoo delivered a playful hit to his chest.

Heeseung winced in pain, but the sound of their friends' laughter filled the air, their joy contagious in the warm evening breeze. With a deep breath, Heeseung launched into a heartfelt speech, recounting the journey of their love from the very beginning.

Sunoo's attention was drawn to the other side, where Heeseung pointed with a smile. Turning back to Heeseung, Sunoo's breath caught in his throat as he saw Heeseung kneeling before him, a small box held out in his hand.

"Kim Sunoo... can you be part of Lee's now? Will you marry me?" Heeseung's voice was filled with emotion as he spoke, his eyes shining with love and hope.

Sunoo's heart soared as he nodded eagerly, unable to find the words to express the depth of his love and happiness in that moment. Heeseung slid the ring onto Sunoo's finger, their hands trembling with emotion as they sealed their commitment with a kiss.

Their friends erupted into cheers and applause, their joyous voices echoing in the stillness of the evening. And as Sunoo and Heeseung embraced, surrounded by the warmth of their love and the laughter of their friends, they knew that their journey together was only just beginning.

With hearts full of hope and promise, they looked towards the future, ready to embark on a new adventure as husband and husband, bound together by love and devotion for all eternity. And so, hand in hand, they walked into the sunset, ready to begin the next chapter of their lives together, forever and always. The end.

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