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As the soft glow of the evening light filtered through the windows, casting a warm hue over the room, Heeseung reached for the pack of cigarettes on his bedside table. His fingers hovered over the familiar box, hesitating for a moment before finally grasping one of the sticks.

But as he was about to light up, a voice broke through his thoughts, pulling him back from the brink. Sunoo's gentle suggestion hung in the air, a simple yet profound plea for him to reconsider.

Heeseung paused, his hand faltering as he looked at Sunoo, the concern in his eyes mirrored in his own. For a moment, he wavered, torn between his habit and his desire to support Sunoo's health.

In the end, it was Sunoo's unwavering presence that gave him the strength to make the right choice. With a determined expression, Heeseung returned the cigarette to its box and tossed it into the trash bin, a symbolic gesture of his commitment to change.

"I'll stop smoking from now on," Heeseung declared, his voice firm with resolve.

Sunoo couldn't help but chuckle at Heeseung's sudden proclamation. "Really? You can do that?" he asked, his disbelief evident in his tone.

Heeseung met Sunoo's gaze, his eyes filled with sincerity. "I want to help you recover, Sunoo," he explained, his words soft but filled with determination.

Sunoo felt a swell of emotion rise within him at Heeseung's heartfelt declaration. He turned to face Heeseung, his heart overflowing with gratitude and love for the man standing before him.

With a smile of gratitude, Sunoo leaned into Heeseung's embrace, feeling the warmth of his love enveloping them both. And as they stood together in the quiet of the room, their bond stronger than ever, Sunoo knew that with Heeseung by his side, anything was possible.

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