Chapter 29: Whispers of Little Scholars

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As the days danced by, a month had unfurled its pages, encapsulating moments of laughter, shared meals, and the quiet rhythms of their daily life.

Eleanora, with a heart brimming with love, decided it was time for a thoughtful conversation about Tommy's future, specifically about the prospect of going to school.

One cozy evening, seated on the couch with Tommy nestled beside her, Eleanora broached the subject with gentle enthusiasm.

Eleanora's smile was radiant as she leaned in towards Tommy. "Sweetheart, I've been thinking about something exciting. How would you feel about going to school?"

Tommy's eyes widened with wonder, his young mind immediately conjuring images of adventure. "School? Like in the stories where kids have backpacks and learn cool stuff?"

Eleanora nodded, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Exactly! You'll have your own backpack, make new friends, and learn lots of fun and interesting things. What do you think?"

Tommy paused, his small hand reaching up to tap his chin as he pondered. "Hmm... Will there be crayons?"

With a grin, Eleanora replied, "Tons of crayons! You can create masterpieces with all the colors you can imagine."

Tommy's face lit up with delight, the prospect of vibrant creations captivating his imagination. "Okay, Mommy! I want to go to school and draw lots of pictures with crayons."

Eleanora chuckled softly, her heart warmed by Tommy's enthusiasm. "Well, there's one more thing. Before you go to big school, we can start with a little school called playschool. How does that sound?"

Tommy's eyes widened with curiosity, eager to learn more about this new concept. "Playschool? What's that?"

"It's like a super fun place where you can play, make friends, and learn some cool things before you go to big school," Eleanora explained with a gentle smile.

Tommy nodded eagerly, his excitement bubbling over. "Playschool sounds fun! I want to go!"

In that heartwarming moment, Eleanora and Tommy embarked on a journey of discovery. Every day held the promise of learning, laughter, and the colorful strokes of their shared canvas.

Whispers of SerendipityTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon