Chapter 2: The Invasion

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Alex's pov
Everyone is dead silent, worried about zombies when Mark breaks the silence.

Mark: This is a joke, right?

Kyla: All of you are so worried!

Joshua: The teachers are probably playing a prank on us.

I look to my right and see Trisha breathing rapidly. Kisha and I tell her to calm down and think rationally.

Trisha's pov

What? What? No. No. Why? A zombie apocalypse? I can't survive that! I don't want to die! I don't want to-

My voice gets cut off.

Mark: Trisha's acting crazy again! Hahahahahahahah.

Mark and his minions laugh, alerting the zombies.

Niethan's pov

As Mark and everyone else are laughing, I see a zombie walking towards the door.

Niethan: Zhad, close the door! There are zombies!

Alex's pov

I hear Nathan telling Zhad to close the door. Zhad closes the door and we barely escape a zombie. I tell everyone to be quiet and the zombie scratches Carla through the window. I tell everyone to close the windows and calm down.

Alex: Carla, you're scratched.

Julia: A zombie's scratch or bite can infect other people.

Everyone tells Carla to sit away from them. Trisha is panicking even more while Chloe comforts her. I tell everyone to find sharp objects to kill the zombies.

Alex: We need to escape before even more zombies get to the school. We need to find food and water. The best time to escape would be at night since it'll be dark and zombies have bad vision.

Eugene: Oh! What do you know about zombies! We're gonna die out there!

Alex: Eugene believe me, I know a lot more than you do!

Eugene: I'd rather stay here because we have food!

Alex: If we stay here, we're gonna run out of food eventually! We either go out and scavenge or stay here and starve to death!

Joshua: Eugene, it's scary but Alex's got a point! We need to go outside.

Eugene: Well I'm not going anywhere!

Alex: We don't need you!

Eugene: Like everyone's gonna agree with you! I'm the correct one, right everyone!

Michael: Shut up!

Everyone gets to preparing.

Kisha: Good job controlling the situation. If that was me I would have ripped his cheap wig off.

Alex: Thanks. We should get to preparing. Your phone might be useful too so don't waste it's battery too much.

Kisha: Yaa. I gues-

Carla turns into a zombie and everyone is running. Carla is close to getting Michael but I bash her head with the meter stick.

Alex: Oh my god, I just killed someone!

Kian: It's okay! She was a zombie.

Alex's pov
I stood frozen looking at Carla's dead body. I just killed my classmate.

Eugene: Oh my god! You're a murderer! Get away you fre-

Eugene gets punched by Mark.

Mark: He was annoying.

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