★ #48 | late night drive

Start from the beginning

but anyway

i thought so too but i feel the opposite
and i can't seem to get myself to sleep

i’ve been watching movies to attempt to tire
myself but nothing is working so i’m about
to call it quits and use my time to study idk

jay <3
you've worked hard enough these days
and you deserve to take a needed break.
there's absolutely no way i’m going to let
you study and work yourself right now

i don't see much of an option other than
just sit here and watch movies for hours

jay <3
do you want to go out and do something?

right now?

jay <3

like what exactly?

jay <3

jay <3
i know a spot

aren't you tired though?

i don't want you to hold yourself from
falling asleep because of me, jay

jay <3
it's okay. i can't sleep right now either
because i had a lot of caffeine today


if you're sure it's not a
problem, then i’d love to

jay <3
it's not a problem at all

jay <3
i’ll be over in a few


thank you jay 🫶

jay <3
of course ❤️


ALTHOUGH, his messages were quite unexpected, she hoisted herself up from the couch and reached for her remote, turning off the TV as her apartment was now left quiet, filled with nothing but the soft hum of the AC.

Considering it was quite cold outside, and it was stargazing, she opted to dress in more comfortable attire. Staying in the gray sweatpants she was already wearing, she wandered to her bedroom to grab a random sweatshirt to wear over the T-shirt she had on.

After preparing herself for the very unprepared outing, she resided herself on her couch as she busied herself on her phone, scrolling mindlessly through her social media feed.

It was only a mere ten minutes later that a knock sounded at her front door. Assuming it to be none other than Jay, she hoisted herself up from her couch with a small smile resting on her lips.

Looking through the peephole on her door just to be safe, she chuckled softly as she gained confirmation that it was who she assumed it to be at her door.

She turned the lock on the doorknob, twisting it and pulling it open to come face to face with the boy, whose eyes brightened at the sight of her.

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