Chapter 21

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Season 1 Episode 21

Mahira POV

"Hi, Xia!" I yelled after her before she could enter the elevator. "This is my fault; I am going to fix it." I addressed to the quietly sobbing girl.

"I won't be able to regain my position. Someone is already storing their belongings in my office, or what used to be my office."

"I'll make sure you get it back." I wasn't sure how, but my father was the first person to hear my argument. I will just state that it was my fault, which it was. She wanted to go back, and because I was so blinded by my desire to resent Angelo, I cost someone else their livelihood. I just recently learned that while I wasn't replaceable in this organization, everyone else was.

"Just use this day to rest. Or this week. By next week, you'll be back. Even if I have to give up my job, I will get yours back."

Xia's eyes widened. "Why?"

"Because this is my fault. I've never—"

"Why aren't you out this building!" Angelo yelled, and everyone's gaze slowly went to Xia.

"I will see you in class tomorrow." She muttered before turning away and heading for the elevator. She gave me one final wave as the elevator door closed.

I stomped to Angelo, who was at the end of the floor. "You've got someone ready in the office." I raised my voice. "How could you? Get them out ASAP."

"I need a trustworthy assistance." She stated it simply. Her impassive eyes met mine. "I lost a—"

"The only thing you've lost is your motivation to walk. Whatever occurred to make you unable to walk, you deserve everything; you should have died."

"Now, Ms. Apis, you can't be so callous when you don't get your way."

"I'll be heading to my father right now."

"I'm coming with you."

"Why? So you can talk your way out of portraying Xia as a nasty person. Well, she's not. That girl has been the most dependable individual ever."

"Well, it's your fault she was fired."

"I understand, and I'll fix it." I remarked as I began to go towards the elevator.

"Fix it, huh?" She satirized, stepping behind me. I wish I could drop below the floor and reach my father's office without hearing her ridiculous voice.

I dashed towards the elevator, jumped in as soon as it opened, hastily closed it, and pressed the lower floor, where my father's office was. He did not like the elevator or the stairs, so he maintained his office on the ground floor. The door opened, revealing that I hadn't moved as Angelo walked right in.

"She's not getting back that job, over my dead body." She hissed beneath her breath. I'm curious why she was so keen about preventing me from getting her back. Did she detest her that much?

"That's why everyone on the floor dislikes you." I growled back. "Because you are a disabled piece of garbage."

She straightened her neck tie, her face tightened, and gazed forward. As the door bell opened, I kicked her cane away, which fell on the ground. I rushed out of the office and headed straight to my father's office. If anyone is going to speak first and last, it will be me.

I stormed into his office and found him hunched over his desk, eating breakfast. Good. I caught him at a beautiful moment.

"Daddy, Angelo dismissed Xia for no reason at all. She tortured her and then dismissed her."

"Good morning, Mr. Apis." Angelo greeted cordially. I hissed, intending to hit her in the disabled foot.

"Don't engage in sweet talk with my father."

"Now, daddy, you know Xia, from she's been working as an intern, she was my second in command till she leveled down and became an assistant for this thing." I glared at her arrogant expression. I want to slap it off and go on my way.

"Why was Xia fired?" My father groaned and moved back away from his breakfast dish, unbuttoning the solitary button on his suit.

"Because she let this firm lose a major client."

"She didn't. She's only an assistant; what can she do to land a huge contract for this company? That is your duty."

"She could have talked to him until I got off the next call."

"Whatever happened, dad, it's not her fault, and I want her back. No less than next week."

"Mr. Apis, Xia is more than wrong, and our firm and department do not need someone like her."

My father sighs, unsure which side to take, and I think that's extremely wrong. Because when did a stranger's words have more importance than mine? More than any of his children.

"Well, Dad?" After a moment's stillness, I inquired.

"Is there anyone else in her place?"

"They're already packing up their belongings."

"Darling, maybe—"

"No, I want Xia to regain her position. Even if it means I'll leave. It was my fault, and I want her to return. You are aware of her life history."

"She's a brilliant girl; she'll return in a different com—"

"Since you began believing what any jackass says." I let loose a roar. "This work is all she knows."

"I'll decide and let you know." He huffed. I knew what it meant: she might not get the job back.

"I wish you die." I growled at Angelo. 

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