"Everyone get back to work." She demands. I rolled my eyes as I took hesitant, uncalculated strides towards my office. The door wasn't that far.

I could hear something like a stick striking the floor. Was she an elderly woman or perhaps someone with a disability? Why was she using a walking stick? "I need you in my office, Ms. Apis. Now would be ideal. Don't keep me waiting like yesterday, and don't make me run either." I could feel her walking as ever as near to me, but neither then do I turned to look at her. Her voice didn't sound like an old lady.


I avoided going to my workplace and instead ascended a flight of steps to see one of my brothers, Luca. He was the nearest to pay a visit. But I'd typically prefer to speak with both of them about Daddy's choice.

Why was I given so short notice about the joint flood manager position?

Why was I being shut off. And not them. Luca and Legend both squandered money. They take girls on pricey fly-out dates. Who takes a woman to Dubai to acquire a rare collection of perfume that smells like shit?

"Hello, long time no see." A feminine voice spoke. I moaned and rolled my eyes, realizing who it was. It was one of the seventeen females that took Dark feminine lessons. "Do you have daddy problems therefore you're here to vent to your brother?"

"It's none of your worries, Vada."

She went up to me, her chest stretched out and her ass shaped like a tail. The work outfit, which was clearly not a work garment, complemented her curvaceous figure. Vada was attractive, even if she didn't feel the need to go to the tanning salon and have her body appear like a burn orange. She even smelled like one. She was a burn orange with a beautiful face. Her lips were smeared with bright pink lipstick. I never understood why guys were swooning over her, despite her obvious attractiveness.

"I hope to see you at class tonight."

"Just make sure you can pay for those lessons."

"Oh no, I don't rely on daddy's money. I have clever methods to get my hands on it."

"You mean with your mouth?" I asked nicely.

"You mean the girl, who sauntered in looking like a cheap whore yesterday." I wondered how she saw me?

"At least I wasn't fucking—"

"Calm your tits grils. Mahira, let's go." Luca said, leading me inside his office.

"What is wrong with her?" I inquired in exasperation.

"Vada is the least. I overheard what took place. You're currently sharing your position."

I groaned and refocused on my aim. I will track down Vada another time. "So, how come I got to share my position, huh? You folks waste money as well." I said.

"Because Len and I swept it under the carpet."

I gasped opened, that's all I've been doing. Sweeping whatever was beneath the carpet. "I did the same."

"You left small specks of trails; we make care to sweep them over and over again."

"How is she doing thus far?"

"Bad." That is all I could say. I couldn't believe she created a list to get rid of employees. These workers require food and money to spend. What was my father saying about this, huh?

The company's purpose was to invest in its employees as well as to line our wallets with cash.

"She's destroying what I've built."

"You mean because you won't be able to go to Europe and meet someone who no longer loves you."

"She loves me. And I didn't ascend the stairs to discuss her. I'm here to talk about HER. The woman who is taking away what I deserve."

"There's nothing Len or I can do." His sympathetic green eyes met me. "Come here." He drew me into his arm. My arms slumped against my body. I wasn't in the mood to hug my elder brother. I want to make a Valentine's Day vacation out of the country to find her and ask her why. Why did she leave me? Why didn't she let me to flee with her? Maybe she assumed I wouldn't leave my wealth behind, but the fact was that I wouldn't.

But it didn't mean I didn't love her and wouldn't pay her a monthly visit.

"This week, over dinner, just talk to Dad about it."

"Is Ms. Angelo going to be there?"


"Well, I am not going." I muttered as I slipped out of his embrace. He groaned and attempted to grasp for me. "Is she going to attend all of our family parties and gatherings now?" I hissed.

"Father liked her."

My jaw dropped open in shock when I realized he was having an affair....

"He sees her as a second daughter; nothing sexual. Plus, she appeared to have a thing for women."

"I don't really care what she's into. I want her to leave my floor. She may go crush on somebody else's floor."

Ruthless (Girlxintersex) Valentine's NovelWhere stories live. Discover now