"That's one way of putting it."

"How's your relationship with your mother?"

"Excellent, she's a wonderful person. She deserved so much better than my father."

"Good. Daddy issues can fuck you up, but mommy issues makes people psychotic."

Elon stared at her then burst out laughing. His laughter kind of sounded like a villain, which Ariana thought was hilarious. The both of them ended up laughing. Lost in their own private world. Ariana was relieved that she was able to break the tension caused by mentioning his father.

As their laughter died down Ariana inched her hand a little closer to him. Elon must have noticed because his pinky finger grazed up and down her hand. Ariana felt her skin tingling under his light touch. She felt butterflies, but tried to ignore them. Silly. It's just harmless flirting. 

He traced the Venus symbol on her finger, then up to the sun, moon and stars tattooed on her left hand. When he spoke, he kept his eyes down on her hand.

"Why did you want to meet me?"

His voice was soft. There was an almost hesitant quality to his question. Ariana wasn't sure how to answer. Honesty was probably the best way to go. She was tired of being patient. After all, what man would turn down casual sex with no strings attached?

"I can't be the first girl to ask to meet you."

"No, but I'm not sure what you want from me."

"Hmm you know it sounds stupid, but I hadn't really thought how many people would be asking to meet you. Wanting something from you. I wanted to meet you for a different reason. I don't want money or anything material, just something...physical."

He stared at her. "Physical?"

"Yeah. I also can't be the first girl who's proposed something like that."

"No, but–" His voice trailed off and he looked like he was trying to read her mind. "Just physical? I mean, I'm not who I would expect you to go for if you're just wanting physical...and I'm all over the place, honestly. I'm almost constantly working. Not exactly the domestic type."

"Yeah, that's what I'm looking for."

"So just casual, not something more?"

She shrugged. "Yeah, just a physical thing, nothing more."

A look like disappointment or pain crossed his face. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly before he spoke. "I'm looking for a long-term relationship. I'm not looking for a one-night stand. I'm looking for a serious companion or soulmate, that kind of thing."

"I'm not sure I have that to give. At least not now."

They were quiet for a while, just lost in their own thoughts. Ariana wondered if she had made a mistake being so honest. Her offer of take it or leave it might not work with him. She was about to soften her statement when he spoke again.

"Maybe I'll change your mind."

She smiled. "You do seem gifted at taking the long shot and making it work."

"I wish..." he trailed off and looked down at his hands. They were fidgeting, threading and squeezing his fingers together then apart again.

Ariana stilled his hands with one of her own. She traced circles in his palm, thinking about what she should say. Before she could come up with the right words he spoke again.

"Ari, can I ask you a personal question?"

"Yeah. No promises that I'll answer it though."

He nodded. "Of course. I was just wondering if you ever wished you weren't famous?"

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