Chapter 14:Invasion Of The Clover Kingdom

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Klaus's jaw was almost on the floor while mimosa had her hands over her mouth at what just happened. Yuno however was shocked that he sent someone flying with a punch all the nobles watching and even the captains were wide eyed seeing that as asta still having his sharingan active spoke while glaring at nozel and nebra.

Asta:So you're the bastards that put noelle through all that emotional pain and to say something like that you don't deserve to call yourself her brother let alone a captain. None of you have the right to talk down to anyone. I don't care how high class you are you think because your royalty that means something it clearly doesn't because I just sent that bastard flying with a weak punch. If that's the power of a royal then I am really disappointed-

Alecdra, having heard enough, uses his sand magic.


Sand surrounds asta trapping him in square sandbox.

Alecdora:That's enough out of you we will not be talked down to by your kind!

With just a swing of his demon dweller sword he cuts through the trap with ease and glares at alecdora.

Asta:I wasn't done talking. If you interrupt me again I will break you fool.

Alecdora:How dare you-


Alecdora went silent glaring at asta who turned his attention back to nozel and nebra.

Asta:You want to talk down to noelle because she can't control her magic no wonder she can't because she has 3 siblings who do nothing but badmouth her daily yet instead of trying to help her or give her advice you belittle her disrespect her for n reason at all tell me if that idiot I sent flying or that bitch right there beside you couldn't control their magic like noelle would you treat them the same?

Nozel glares at asta

Nozel:You shut your mouth a commoner like you have no right to speak to me as if we're equals.

Asta:Of Course we're not equals in all honesty I am stronger than every single royal in this room and that's not confidence that's a fact seeing how you let your siblings do what they want answer me this if your mother was alive would she approve of how your treating the daughter she gave her life to bring into this world?

The 2 elder silva siblings flinched hearing that question.

Asta:No she wouldn't and I am sure you know that well. You're all pathetic. You have to bully and hurt people just too make yourself feel important. Well, you're not royalty or not, we stand here invited by the wizard king. If you have a problem with that then too bad your titles and status doesn't mean shit to me. When I am the wizard king I will prove that.

Nebra:You a street rat like yourself can be a wizard king you must be joking!

Asta:If you think I am bluffing then prove me wrong I would love to send you flying right along with your brother and anyone else who has a problem with it.

Alecdroa then uses his sand magic once more.


A giant knightlike guard grabbed asta restraining him asta then looked at alecdora with a bored glance.

Asta:You don't listen very well do you?

Nebra:I have had enough out of you filth you attack my brother and for that you will pay with your life!!

Nebra's grimoire floats to her as she is conjuring an attack spell.she creates an arrow made of mist aiming for asta who still showed no emotion or fear.

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