Chapter 9:Incident At Castle Town

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The Black Bulls Hideout

Yami:Really sounds like you guys had a hard time haha!

Magna:Not really sir little rasta here really stood out he took them all down and protected the people.

Yami:Huh really?

Magna:Yeah the kid scared one of them so bad he actually killed himself and his team!

Yami:Damn well whatever the case job well done fools.


Vanessa and finral then come via spatial magic to rapport to yami.

Magna:Judging from his watch and the way they spoke. They're likely radicalist from the royal city.

Vanessa:The magic investigation team is examining the culprits belongings, but we probably won't get anything significant from it.

Yami:I don't care who they are.

Vanessa then sees nero on asta's head

Vanessa:Oh what a cute bird.

Yami:The wizard king was pleased with what we did and even gave us a star!

Magna:Oh you serious!?

Asta:Is the star special or something?

Vanessa:The 9 orders of magic knights compete with each other for the honor of who has the most of these stars. Right now the order that's in the lead with 70 stars is the golden dawn.

Yami places the star on their star chart

Yami:Alright now we're at -30 stars. We would've had more if we didn't destroy the last town. We're finally 100 stars behind the golden dawn.

Asta had wide eyes seeing the negative stars they had

Asta:Are you kidding!?

Yami then hands him a bag full of coins.

YamiFinally, here is this month's pay.

Opening the bag with money, Asta was shocked to see how much he had.

Asta:Woah so much money!

Noelle:This is barely pocket change.

Asta looks at her with a "are you serious face"

Asta:Don;t be silly with this much money you can buy 2,00 pot potatoes!

Noelle:What are pot potatoes?

Asta:It is a famous food in the village of hage.

Vanessa:Never heard of them. So that means you'll be shopping in the castle city right? Well since I'm free I'll show you around.

Asta:The castle town?

Going outside the hideout vanessa gets on her broom while asta then used shukaku's sand to make a floating platform while noelle rode with vanessa.

The 3 then made their way to the castle.

Vanessa:Woah you know earth magic?

Asta:No it's sand it would be complicated to explain

Vanessa:(Thinking)Geez he can use magic without sensing any from him and from what magna said he can summon a bird I wonder what else he can summon?

Asta:(In Mind)Thanks for the sand shukaku.

Shukaku:No problem asta!

Making it to the castle town they begin to walk around seeing many stands selling things as they look around watching for something that catches their eye

Asta:Chosen By The SageWhere stories live. Discover now