Chapter 7:First Mission

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It was now the next day as the black bulls were in the mess hall eating

Asta:So what do magic knights do anyway?

Magna:Really?..You're seriously asking that?

Magna then stood on the table grabbing asta's shoulders

Magna:We protect the country and guard vips work for men!!! Why the hell would you join without knowing that?

Asta:Just wanted to know what work I will be getting into, that's all.

Vanessa:There's also doing things like protecting the people. You might be able to get close to a wonderful man like that.-looking at noelle-

Luck:There are fun jobs like fighting to your heart's content. If it's a criminal no one will complain if you beat within an inch of his life.

Gauche:On top of that it's a job where you get to admire my sister.You can buy my sister whatever she likes with your pay.

Charmy:You get to eat a lot of food.

Grey blows smoke and bulls out his grimoire and he turns into asta

Grey:Whatever it may be it's good work.At some point we will be working together and I look forward to it

Mini Time Skip

We now go to the common area for the black bulls with magna noelle and asta who are looking at yami who was seated in a chair in front of them

Magna:Now then you 2 get your first mission.You will be in the village of soshy hunting a boar.

Asta:A boar? No offense but I thought we would be doing something different. I can easily catch a boar.

Magna:Don't look down on boars!

YamiI: I lost a bet with a guy and the loser of the bet was to do one thing the other asked.

Yami:In order to bring profit to his poor village he was trying to get 1,000 gold in one go...He was when people have a lot on their shoulders they're really quite strong.

Asta and noelle stayed silent until asta spoke

Asta:Captain this really has nothing to do with us

Noelle:Yeah he's right

Yami then gives them both a menacing look making asta sweatdrop while noelle hid behind him

Yami:So are you going to go? Or are you going to die?

Asta & Noelle:We're on our way!!

Asta:Well I am a little excited since this is my 1st mission so I will do my best

Noell:So I'm going to a dirty old village for a dirty old man to kill a dirty boar...?

Magna:What, you got a problem with that?

Noelle:I never said it was a problem.

Noelle:It's just I was wondering if it was alright for me to go since I can't control my magic.


Noelle:I-If you're going to go that far then I'll go with you.

Asta:I told you I will help you get a better handle on your magic, didn't I? Going on missions can help with magna said and you won't be alone I will be there with you.

Magna:This time around we won't be able to use finral's magic so we'll have to fly out there on brooms

Asta:Well I can't fly on a broom

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