
The noise had stopped. Finally. Picking yourself up from the somewhat airy ground, you began to take note of your surroundings, seeing someone in the distance. From the distance you were at, it looked as if they weren't there, but they were.

"Hey...hey! You!" You shouted at the figure watching them face you as you approached them. Their face was blacked out, so their identity was a secret. "What." The person said, looking at you annoyed. "Where...what is this place...?" You asked, looking at the mysterious figure for answers. "New huh? This place is a limbo, between life and death." The figure said. Knew it was a limbo. "But you can only come here by dreaming, so think of it as a dreaming state, just one where your half dead half alive that is." "Fantastic, thank you! But...who are you? And how do I leave this place? Also, why am I here?-" "Jeez you ask a lot of questions huh? I'm Ennis, but you can call me En. As for this place however, its a mystery. But for everyone who got here, theres probably some mysterious business in your life revolving around the 'big man'. Say, who are you?" En would ask you, holding out his hand to shake yours. "I..." Your name. What was your name again? You forgot your name! Though it seems En had caught on to it. "Don't worry, you'll remember it by your second visit. Memory disorientation happens a lot here. Though, staying for as long as I have, it ruins them permanently." He'd chuckle, still shaking your hand anyhow. "Wait...how do you leave here? This place?" "By not dreaming. Or atleast when the big man leaves you be-" You cut En off mid sentence. "You keep saying the 'big man'. Who are they?" "They go by many names, but we call him the big man. He's...he controls this place...us as well..." En started to look saddened. "Sometimes he'll loose interest, sometimes he'll keep you here...altering your appearance and memories..." You didnt know what else to say than to just look down at the ground in shame and pity for this man.


Static. The static is back. Both you and En covered your ears, falling to the ground. It hurt, like hell, like someone got white noise and put it right directly to your ear. But, you also felt like you were being pulled out of this world, like someone was grabbing your shoulders, and shaking you.




the voice in the static would tell you, and  you obeyed.


"Darling?" A familiar voice would say, causing you to blink your eyes open and take a look at your surroundings. Are you back? No more limbo? It sure feels real- WAIT!

"Tim!?" You quickly recognized the voice, getting up from your bed as you quickly backed away, frightened. Was he here to take you back?! Hurt you more?! "Hey, hey, its okay, I'm not here to hurt you!-" "Oh bullshit!" You cut him off quickly, standing up from the bed and backing up into a wall near the exit door. This caused Tim to hold up his arms mercifully, backing away from you. "I- I'm not gonna hurt you, alright darling? I just...I wanna talk, you and me...me and you..." He'd tell you as he stood a good distance away from you, taking the knife out of his pocket as he tossed it to the other side of the room, now currently being weaponless. "See? It's okay, I just wanna talk..." He'd look at you with pleading eyes, taking a step toward you which alarmed you, but you calmed down. "Please..." He'd say, begging. You'd sigh, walking back to the edge of your bed as you sat edge, patting the spot next to you. You weren't just trusting him not to end you now from the goodness of your heart, but because he let you escape, and probably dealt with Brian for you to. Now, if it was Brian wanted to have a little chat with you, things would be different.


Tim would accept your invitation and sit down next to you on the edge of your bed, looking at the floor as he wanted to scoot in closer, but resisted anyhow. "What are you doing here Tim?" You ask him, watching his facial expression change. "I just...I know that...that you probably hate me, or the both of us, but...Y/N...I just..." Tim was crying, right infront of you. All he would do was quickly hug you tightly, sobbing into your arms. All you could feel was sorrow for him, holding him back as you noticed his arms bleeding, quickly rolling up his sleeves as he'd have fresh cuts there. "Oh...Tim...-" He would cut you off. "Its...its all for you, every mark I've freshly made is for you...please..." He'd look at you pleading again, holding onto you as if you'd be taken from him. "Tim...I..." You didn't really know what o say honestly, but you did know what to do. You grabbed his upper arm to avoid touching the cuts and you made him sit on a chair, holding out his arms as you got your med kit from the bathroom. Grabbing a cotton ball and tweezers, you picked it up and dipped it in hydrogen peroxide. "Stay still, this may hurt just a bit..." You warned him, lightly tapping the soaken cotton ball onto the cuts, cleaning them. It was quite easy for you to do so because Tim didn't even move a muscle, only watching your movements and actions with awe.

Finally after cleaning his wounds, you wrapped them up to try and stop the bleeding. Thankfully, none of the wounds were to deep, but all of them still needed some medical attention. As you wrapped the last cut on his arm, he smiled softly and went back in for a hug, nuzzling his head in your neck. The touching made you feel weird and awkward, but it so was adorable how Tim was so close and touch starved. "Thank you darling...it feels much better..." Tim would thank you, releasing himself from his embrace on you. You nodded your head as a your welcome, getting up to go sit back down on the bed as Tim followed. "Tim?" You'd ask, Tim immediately looking at you. "Why did you come here? If your...not gonna take me back...than why?..." Tim would look away, a nervous expression on his face. "We wanted to talk to you...maybe...come to an agreement?" He'd look back at you, his hand grasping your arm oh so lightly. "Well...what do you want to talk abo- Wait, we?" You'd cut yourself off from your sentence as you were confused. We? I thought it was just- No...

Tim would chuckle nervously as you saw Brian in your room. How did he get in so fast without you noticing?! Is he gonna hurt you?!

You'd be alarmed. You were more scared of Brian than Tim, so as so, you immediately got up terrified, backing up away from him as you saw Tim come up to you, trying to reassure you. "Y/N! Its okay! He won't hurt you!" You didnt want to listen to him. Brian has hurt you more than Tim, and in multiple ways. He was manipulative, abusive, and an overall bad person. "Y/N! Just listen, okay? He won't hurt you, I won't hurt you, we just want to talk...please..." You'd try to get your body to stop shaking as you looked at Brian, glaring at him. "I want to hear that from him." You'd coldy say, watching his every movement as Tim nodded his head. Brian, would take his gun out of his pocket, not daring to throw it but instead setting it down on your nightstand, than backing away. "Listen...Y/N, I'm not here to hurt you...please..." Brian would plead you, trying to get closer. Sighing in defeat, you'd nod your head, sitting back down on your bed as you'd pat the spots next to you. Tim would immediately take the offer, sitting on your right side happily as Brian would hesitate just a bit, slowly walking towards you as he lightly and carefully sat away from you,  trying to show he doesn't want to harm you.


"Alright guys..." You'd say, both of them having their attention on you.


Pretty epic chapter if I do say so myself.

Time for yall to wait another month!


Words: 2149

Unconditional Love. (Yandere Masky x Reader x Yandere Hoodie) DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now