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F/Reader POV:

You woke up in the middle of the night. It was hot, too hot. You felt like you were melting. You wanted to do something, but couldn't.

Your arms were in pain, your legs were in pain, everything was in pain. You just had to sit there with your eyes peeled open and sweating in places you didn't know could sweat.

You didn't even know what time it was, all you knew was the two men were still dead asleep next to you, and the windows were boarded. If you could even attempt an escape, you would, but you couldn't, and you knew why.

As you were sitting in silence, a voice make you jump a bit, and then made you wince in pain. "Y/N?" Tim said. He slowly sat up to see your face, and you turned to look at him, barely sitting up and using the backboard as a resting spot. "You okay?" He said again. He must've woke up and saw you still wide awake. "Yeah I'm uh, just a little hot, sorry," You said. "Why didn't you wake us up and tell us?" "I uhm, just didn't w-want to," you said. The truth was, you didn't want to wake them because you were afraid they would hurt you. Also because you can't shake them awake and you didn't want to yell.

"Oh yeah uh, let me get a fan for you. I'm pretty hot to actually," He replied. It seemed he wanted you to feel, comfortable? No, no they're just trying to earn your trust. Or so you thought. You soon started to feel it getting cooler, with a slight burrring and buzzing sound. Tim had directly placed the fan in your direction, then laying back down next to you, wrapping his arm around your chest and snuggling into your neck. You didn't feel comfortable, but there was really nothing you could do about it, you couldn't do anything. Even if you could do something, you didn't want to make them mad at night when your tired. Not a fun time that would be.

Honestly, you were shocked Brian didn't wake up, or did he? You didn't know. It didn't seem like he was awake, well, that was until he tapped your arm and looked at you. It kinda freaked you out a bit. "Y/N," He said. "You okay?" You didn't want to wake up Tim, or keep talking just incase he was still awake. "Tim's dead asleep, don't worry he passes out easily," Brian said. "O-oh uh, yeah okay. I'm f-fine, was just a little uhm-hot," You managed to stutter out. Brian just gave you a very oddly heartwarming smile and layer back down, snuggling with his head on your chest. You wanted to push him off, ofcourse you did, but couldn't. So you had to live with being uncomfortable for the night, and most likely the rest of the nights to come until your fully healed. Which would be awhile.

The Morning.


You waken from your rest with only Tim on your side. You try to shake Tim awake to A, ask where Brian is, and B, go back to your room.

"T-Tim?" You say. You actually weren't to sure if Tim was his name actually. They never told you, you just heard the names and assumed. So let's say you took a gamble and now there's a chance you could look stupid.

Turns out your gamble was right, cause he immediately turned to look at your face. "Yes darlin'?" He asked. You hated when he called you that. "Uhm, where's Brian?" "He's making breakfast downstairs, why?" He replied. "Uhm, no reason. I was just wondering," you said.  Tim just glared at you and laid back down, closing his eyes. "A-also, can I go back to my room..?" You ask. He looks at you and closes his eyes again. "No." "No..? Why?" You asked with a stubborn, confused tone. That just resulted in you getting glared at, or more like death stared at, and you immediately shut down your confidence. "Were going to be helping you while you recover. You can't do anything by yourself now can you?" He said with a cocky voice. You mentally rolled your eyes. "No.." "Then its settled, don't ask again," He said.

Just as you were about to lay back down, Brian comes up screaming with a plate in his hands. "Breakfast!!" He yelled. Tim grabbed a pillow and put it over his head. "Shut the fuck up Brian its early in the morning," He groaned out. You made notice that Tim did not like mornings. Just as you were about to try and push yourself up against the headboard and sit up, Brian came running in. "Oh baby don't waste your energy, I got you!" He said, or more practically yelled in your ear. "No its f-fine I got it," You say back. He didn't care though, he just grabbed you by your waist and raised you up. You winced because your waist was sensitive, it also being ticklish.

"There, now open wide!" Brian said, grabbing a fork full of scrambled eggs and forcing it into your mouth, making you choke a bit. "What the hell!" You yelled out while coughing. Brian didn't like that you yelled, because he immediately had the look of death in eyes. You got shooken up a bit. "I just meant uhm, that was sudden and I can feed myself.." You say trying to calm him down. "Thin ice." He says. Just thin ice. Probably meaning you were close to getting another beat down, which you didn't want.


The rest of the breakfast was the same, Brian force feeding you, and Tim staying in bed and only getting out to get coffee. Other than making Brian mad for a short period of time, it went, good? Nice? Weird? You didn't know. But now you were currently on the couch resting with Tim and Brian on standby. They're really trying to help you as best as they could. Do they feel bad for what they did? Probably not. But do they want to help you, yes? It was weird you and them. But once you were healed you would immediately leave again, reunite with your friends, have a normal life again. That is, if you escape.

Tim POV:

"Brian," I said roughly and quietly, Y/N being on the couch just a few feet away. "What," He replied. "Were going to have to leave for a mission soon, we can't just leave Y/N here," I tell him. I've had this on my mind the whole time. We would have to leave for a mission soon, and Y/N is in no condition to be left along for days. Weeks even. "We could get someone to babysit her?" Brian told me. Babysit? I don't want anyone else around Y/N, Brian being the only exception, but there was no other choice. Unless we wanted her to die before we came back. "Tch, fine. Find a babysitter for her. But if they try anything-" "But they won't," He cut me off. I just rolled my eyes and stood away from him. It just seems he isn't taking this seriously, he never does. I look back to Y/N on the couch just sitting there, which made me more nervous then anything.

Omfg sorry for not updating ive been soooo busy..sleeping.

Who would be a good babysitter and wouldn't kill Y/N within a blink of an eye? 🤔

Is Y/N healing right? Or is she not. Or is she acting? 🤪😏

Anyways, it seems Tim is having some strange feelings, what are they?

Words: 1296

Unconditional Love. (Yandere Masky x Reader x Yandere Hoodie) DISCONTINUED.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora