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F/Reader POV:

You've been running for what seemed like you're, maybe just an hour? No, no, you just lost track of time. Never like you had track of time to begin with.

You didn't want to take a chance to walk, giving them the chance to catch up to you. You were tired, exhausted even. Sweat dripping down your face, but you couldn't stop

You were only running in one direction to avoid going in a circle. You also thought if you ran one direction, you would reach a road sooner. You needed to find a road so you could follow it to a local gas station. Your chance of escape.


You couldn't take it anymore, you had to sit down. So finding a close tree that looked comfortable enough, and sat down with your back pressed against it. You wanted to sleep, needed to even, but you couldn't risk it.


Brian POV:

"Where is she!" I yelled at Tim. I searched everywhere, her room, the bathrooms, and our rooms. They were a mess, especially mine. Was she looking for something? No, she left us, me! Tim also had the same annoyed look on his face, he was also angered his room was a mess, and that he had to clean it later. But he was in no mood for that. "Let's go." He said with a pissed off tone. He roughly grabbed my arm and led me outside. "We findin' her?" I said, with happiness in my voice. Oh, I can't wait you find her again!

We got in the car and started to drive off, we knew where everything was in the forest. It would only be a matter of time until we found her, and make sure she'd never pull a stunt like this again.


F/Reader First Person POV:

I found it, the road. Finally! Not wasting any time I ran down it, in hopes to find a gas station or just anything honestly. But I was exhausted. I couldn't stop. I just couldn't. I needed to escape. I can't stop now, now could I? I just needed to run a little further, just a little.


The sun was still out, it looked like it was setting, but I thought that was a good thing. I could blend in with the darkness and hide in the shadows, I was always a natural at that after all.

I just continued to walk down the road, occasionally looking to my sides to make sure I wasn't being followed. God I would hate for that to happen. But I have this feeling I'm getting closer and closer to civilization. I have to make it, just have to.


The suns down now, the night coolness has set on my skin to the point I had to put my sweater back on. I just continued walking. That's when I saw something up in the distance. It seemed a little farther away, but I could see a light! A gas station light? Who cares, it was hope! I sprinted, as fast as I could. I don't care if I'm tired, I do-wait.


There's something in the distance. A car? That's the first car I see. I didn't pay much attention to it, until it got closer. It was like it was speeding down the road. But that's when my heart dropped. It was the same car that abducted me. It was like I was paralyzed, but the gas station was RIGHT THERE. I booked it, running as fast as I could.

The car slowed down, the two men immediately getting out of it and chasing for me. God they are fast runners, because Tim had immediately caught me by football jumping me to the ground, locking me in place. I tried to scream but he covered my mouth in an instant, Brian then appearing and placing a gun to my head. "LET-MMPH-ME GO-MMPH!" I screamed out, or at least tried to. Tims hand sure was big, it muffled literally every sound. Screaming for help surely wasn't going to work.

"Keep screaming like that and we'll blow your fucking brains out," Tim said pissed the hell off. 'How did they find me so fast..?' I thought. I couldn't do it anymore. I just wanted to go home. "Do you understand me," Tim began to speak again. Gripping my H/L hair and pulling it back harshly. I nodded fast, feeling the stinging pain in the back of my head, a tear streaming down my face. I looked and saw he had a whole fist full of my H/C hair in his hand. I immediately looked away scared. "Get up." Brian spoke, shoving the gun closer to my head. I didn't get up at first, still being in shock and paralyzed. "Get the hell up," He said again. Forcefully grabbing my arm and making me stand on both my feet, leading me to the car. Tim opened the back seat door while Brian practically threw me in the car, closing the door immediately. I wanted to cry, but no tears would show. I felt the car start to drive off, going back the way I came. I couldn't even believe what was happening.


F/Reader POV:

You leaned your head on the window with pain and dread in your eyes. You heard Brian start to talk. "Your a bitch, you know that, right?" He said. It seemed he was trying to lower to esteem. You weren't going to let him do that. "Yeah.." You whispered talked. It seemed he heared you because you saw him slightly smirk. Your pain is his euphoria I guess.



You woke up. You couldn't believe you just fell asleep in the car. How are you supposed to track your location back now? You wanted to mentally slap yourself, but that was until Brian grabbed you from the back seat and carried you inside. You tossed and turned but the look Brian gave you was his signature death glare from the fiery pits of hell itself, so you stopped immediately. Once you both got inside, Tim nowhere to be seen. Brian had sat down on the couch, sitting you down on his lap. You felt uncomfortable in every which way possible, but not wanting to squirm a single bit. You felt him touch and play in your hair, holding your waist with his other arm. You wanted to say something, you wanted to get out of this grip, but if you said anything you would most likely just be slapped. Right then and there, you just started to cry, profusely apologizing over and over again. You were just.. Scared. You didn't know what was going to happen. "I-im sorry, so sorry.." You kept repeating, occasionally wiping a singular tear. "Shh, Shh, it's okay, it's okay.." Brian said apologetic. Did he understand your pain? "But we need to make sure it never happens again, alright..?" He spoke again. "Y-yeah I w-wont ever d-do it again.." You said back. Wiping another stray tear off your bloodshot red face. "I know, I know, but we just need to make sure, alright baby..?" He said back. You didn't understand what he was talking about. You looked at him confused. "I w-wont.. I swear.." You said again. You were confused. "I know.." He said again. You were about to ask until you felt a sharp pain in your shoulder, the sharp pain becoming unbearable. "AAA-AH NNGH!!" You screamed out. You looked to your shoulder to find Brian had plugged a knife in it, roughly taking it out. You fell off his lap and landed on the floor, gripping your shoulder immediately. Wincing in pain. "W-wha-what.." you tried to speak. "Sorry baby, but we have to make sure you don't try that again.." Brian said. You finally understood. They were going to hurt you. That was until you saw Tim show up behind you, holding a knife. Along with Brian holding a knife as well. "I-i won't do it again, im s-sorry I w-wont do it again I swear!" You begged for mercy. You were terrified. You knew they would hurt you to no content. "We know darlin' but we still have to make sure.." Tim told you. You looked in disbelief. You tried to get up and run but Tim and Brian had locked both your legs down, pushing hard into the ground. You realized there was no escape. You had to endure this pain.

The only thing you could do was prepare yourself for the worst.


A hehehe hehehe hehe heh, stabby stab stab😊

I wrote to much for this chapter, will you guys even finish this 😦

Words: 1466

Unconditional Love. (Yandere Masky x Reader x Yandere Hoodie) DISCONTINUED.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang