
About one and a half hours later we are still sitting in the kitchen going over different topics.
"Now all you have to do is divide by three quarters and then you get x", I say as we finish one of the math questions, "See? It's not that hard."
"That's easy for you to say. You're damn good at this shit. I can't even tell you where I lost you on the question", he groans annoyed and throws his head back.

"Okay, let's take a break for now. I know how endless studying can clog up your mind and you can't even answer the simplest things. You need to focus on something else for a few minutes."
"You're probably right. Thanks, I guess."
"You're welcome", I laugh, "I have to use the bathroom real quick. Be right back."


Jobe's pov:

As Maëlys heads for the bathroom, I take out my phone. I open Instagram and scroll through the feed. Just then a call from Jude pops up on my screen.

"Judith, what's up?", I say after accepting the call.
"Stop calling me that."
"Alright, Bellingoal it is."
"Nevermind, stick with Judith please", he replies making me laugh.
"Anyways, why are you calling?"
"Just want to chat a bit."
"Don't know if it's the right time-"

"Who are you talking to?", I hear Maëlys' voice behind me before I can finish my sentence.
"Who's that. Wait, Jobe, do you have a girl with you?", Jude wants to know.
"What?! No. It's Maëlys, the tutor I told you about, remember?"
"Oh, yeah", I hear him say while I watch Maëlys sit back down on her former place next to me.

"Judith", she reads out the contact name, "I'm guessing that's your brother?"
In reply I nod at her.
"You seriously saved my contact with that name?"
I just chuckle at that.

"Anyways, what's up Maëlys, I'm Jude."
"Really?", she replies in the fake-innocent way she used with me before.
"Yeah, well, Jude Bellingham, player for Real Madrid. Doesn't ring a bell?"
Of course he falls for her joke.
"I know who you are, Jude. I simply made a joke and you totally fell for it", she laughs.
God, why do I like her laugh so much?

"We'll just pretend that never happened, alright? So, Maëlys, how's my brother's learning coming along?"
"It's been fairly good. He might only get half of the questions right at the moment, but he's seriously trying. And he, I'm surprised to say this, actually listens to me", she laughs again.

"Well, that's something new. Last time I checked he didn't care about school at all", Jude chuckles.
"Thanks, Jude, always so supportive", I say.
"That's me."
"I seriously can't tell who out of the two of you is worse", Maëlys comments.
"Definitely him", Jude and I answer at the same time making us all laugh.

We chat for a few more minutes before my brother tells us he has to go.
"Riri would totally freak out if she knew I just talked to Jude", Maëlys chuckles after I hung
"I'm guessing she's the one who told you that Jude doesn't have a license."
"I'm telling you now, you're going to drive me crazy at some point. How do you remember that, I told you that weeks ago. Why do you still know this, but you can't remember the date of the Storming of the Bastille?"

"I don't know. Some things are just more interesting, I guess", I shrug with a slight smirk on my face.
"You're unbelievable", she says while slightly laughing, "Well, enough with the break for now. We need to get at least a few other questions done."
Obviously she's right, so I open my book again and we start with the next question.


Maëlys' pov:

"Can we stop for today? I don't think my brain can handle much more", Jobe asks me.
It's been another hour or so and we've work through an honestly impressive amount of topics.
"Sure", I laugh, "I think I put you through enogh today."
"Thank god", he replies and dramatically lays his head onto the counter of the kitchen island.

I help him pack up his stuff and together we make our way to the front door of my house.
"I know I've said this before, but seriously thank you for doing this", Jobe tells me while putting on his jacket.
"Of course, the money's worth the struggle", I joke making him laugh as well.
"No, but seriously, I'm glad I can help. I mean that's what friends are for, right?"

"I've updated to friend now?", Jobe asks me acting absolutely shocked.
"I guess you have, yeah. You're still annoying but I'm starting to get a liking for that."
"Well, then see you in a few days, friend", he says.
I roll my eyes but I can't keep a smile creeping on my face.
"See you then."

Instead of just turning around and opening the door he steps closer to me and pulls me in for a hug. Him putting his arms around my waist makes me somewhat automatically put mine around his neck.
Why does this feel so nice? It's just a damn hug, get your shit together, Maëlys.

When we pull apart again I keep my head down to hide the blush that surely has made its way onto my face.
"Okay, well, bye Maëlys. See you soon", he says and opens the front door.
"Bye", is the only thing I can get out as I watch him walk out the door.

I close the door behind him and let my back fall against it. What the hell has gotten into me? I've spend time with this guy for not even a month.
Pushing my thoughts aside, I make my way upstairs to my room. I lay down on my bed and put on some show on Netflix on my laptop.
Still my thoughts occasionally creep back but I won't let them distract me.


new and also late update today.
but i thought i'd still post it today since i haven't posted in a few days🤷🏼‍♀️.
this chapter is longer than the last ones but i didn't want to separate it.
it's good as it is.
also, a longer chapter doesn't hurt anyone, does it?
anyways, i hope you enjoyed it.
you're comments are always welcome and don't forget to vote.
see you in the next chapter.
love yous💕

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