Chapter:- 8 | You are My Slave Now

Start from the beginning

"ah" She grumbled in annoyance. "What are you? My mom? You annoy me to the core. A loner like you should know their place and shut up-" 

"Karuizawa-San quick, we don't have any time to waste. We have to go now." Karuizawa got cut off by one of her friends. I believe her name is Satou.

"Yeah, I am coming." She looked at me and grumbled again. "If it was not now I would have taught you a lesson for pushing me." She said before taking her phone which was on the ground and running away.

'What the hell lady? You ran into me and fell because of your own stupidity. Where did I push you in this?'

For no reason to stay here, I picked up my phone which kissed the floor a minute ago.

I checked for some external damage and surprisingly it didn't take any damage. I pressed the power button and it seems to working fine.

'What a troublesome day.' Putting my phone back into my pocket I sighed "Sigh..."

I just want to sleep now. 


Getting in my room I put my school bag on the table.

I am too lazy right now to change into a fresh pair of clothes and straight up jump into bed where I drifted into deep darkness.




[8:13 P.M.]

Yeah, I am surprised that I slept for too long. I might have slept even more but the feel of an angry empty stomach woke me up.

The more surprising thing was that I didn't hear the alarm which usually starts to ring at 7'O clock. 

I am not a heavy sleeper that I won't be able to hear the alarm ringing so I tried to check it.

Reaching my phone which was on the table I was going to check the alarm.

I swiped my screen but I found a screen lock on it. It was protected by a pin to be exact.

'I don't know how this pin came up on my phone. Did my phone break after falling?'

Scrolling down the notification panel I see a number of message notifications I received.

'Why there are so many?'

Expanding it to check it out I see the names of my classmates. Well, mostly girls.

"Ah, now I get it." My phone got switched to Karuizawa's.

"What a trouble. Now I have to get it back." 

It is not a big task to do but to get it from her is tiring enough to think.

'I wonder what is her room number?'

Should I call Kushida to tell me? No, I can't do it.

'Well, there is no reason for me to not share why I want to know Karuizawa's room number but the thing is how will I explain to Kushida how I remembered her number? She will think I am some kind of creep or a stalker to remember it.'

I think I will call the dorm manager in the lobby.

Through the connected telephone that is in the room, I dialled the three-digit number to contact to dorm manager.

[Hello, this is first-years dorm manager speaking. How may I help you?]

[Um, hello. I am Ayanokoji Kiyotaka from Class D. Can you tell me the room number of Karuizawa Kei from my class?]

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