Shiro: Unfinished Dreams | No Reason to Live

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[A.N.:- If I have some time I will make a fic where this girl will be the female lead.]

Shiro POV:-

[A.N.:- This is a little complicated part. "In bold and italic" will be from Volume 0, the talk between Kiyo and Shiro.]

Right now, I am dreaming.

I know it because it is one of my memories.

It is not a rare occurrence for me to be conscious of what is a dream and what is a reality. Maybe because of my lack of imagination that kids of my age possess makes me not dream of something else.

I had even asked Kiyotaka about it before too. He said he finds himself in the same situation too where he is in some of his past memories.

I remember this day clearly as ever even though I don't have a perfect memory as Kiyotaka. I had relived this memory a few dozen times by now.

This was The day when I had decided to drop out of White Room.

It doesn't matter what I do here the events in the dream will continue in a forceful manner, no matter if I do what I had been ordered by the instructors. The advantage of it being a dream I guess.

"You two are going to continue with your usual sparring sessions. I'll be out of the room for a bit."

The instructor who was acting as the referee left the room in a hurry as if he'd been summoned.

It happened all the time, the instructor left again.

We were left behind and started our Randori as instructed. We clutched each other's judogi.

At this point I had asked Kiyotaka "Can I have a word?" but right now I didn't say a thing.

Just like in reality, he didn't respond.

Taking his silence as a sign to continue. I had asked him "It's been many, many years since I've last beaten you in Judo, hasn't it?"

"That's right." Kiyotaka said.

"Boxing, Karate, Jeet Kune Do—it's the same for everything. I'll win the first one or two fights, but once you turn the tables on me, I can't do anything about it. You're really great."

Honestly, I was not feeling down or anything else at that time. I was just stating the truth.

Moreover, there was something completely different on my mind at that moment.

"...What?" Kiyotaka replied to what I had said.

"Only the outcasts get out of here." He said after I had told him about my decision to leave the facility.

Droupout huh? What I had said makes me scoff at my decision now.

"What are you going to do out there? Is there a point to that?" He asked me.

"Freedom?" He questions not understanding what I meant by freedom at that time.

It is feeling odd again now. Just because this is a dream I am not saying anything but like an NPC Kiyotaka is replying to everything I had said back then.

Heh...sigh... I had given him a long sentence about how I wanted to be free and how I wanted to make friends and do other things.

Thinking of it now, it had all been pointless.

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