Chapter:- 6 | Welcome To Real ANHS

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Kiyo POV:- 

A new message from the same sender has arrived. It reads:-


[From:- Unknown Sender]

[As previously explained a surprise test will be taken today. It will contain questions from the five main subjects.  There will be four questions per subject, for a total of twenty. Each question is worth five points, for a total of one hundred points. Get a score between 40 to 50 points. Answer the tough questions wrong.]

-[6:00 A.M.]


Hmm, 40 to 48 points. Fine, I guess, but I don't think there was any need for the last part.

There was another notification in the point balance. It said 30,000 private points were deposited in my account.

As Tsukishiro had said about giving us an allowance he kept his word and the amount has been deposited in my account. Well, I guess I am rich now.




"Ha ha ha ha! God, you're so dumb. You're hilarious, man!"

Ike chatted loudly with Yamauchi during second-period math.

It has been three weeks now that our school year has started and my classmates or I should say students of class D have taken the ignorance of teachers for granted. Nearly none of them care about their studies anymore.

"Hey, hey, do you want to go do karaoke?"

"Yeah, let's go!"

A group of girls nearby were making plans for after class.

Those who don't have anything to talk about with their friends entertain themselves with their smartphones.

Endless talking and non-stop usage of phones have become a norm now.

Sudou who only makes it to the class just in time sometimes, never pays attention to it. It was in the talk of my classmates that he watch professional basketball matches during class.

"Hey, Sudou. Wanna get lunch later?" Ike called out to Sudou from across the room.

The math teacher continued the lesson without even really paying attention.

Normally, the teacher would have flicked a piece of chalk at him but even though I know why teachers are acting like this it still surprises me that they are tolerating to this extent.

Even when it came to poor language, being late to class, or dozing off, no one cared. While at first our class had acted more reserved, now everyone was far too flippant. Of course, there were a few students like Horikita who studied diligently.

My cell phone vibrated in my pocket, indicating that I'd received a message. It was Akito who texted me.

[Hey, Ayanokoji. I don't feel like writing down notes. Will you let me borrow yours today?] - Akito

He could have just asked me by turning back but he didn't. The reason is the ice princess sitting near me. A few days ago during a language class, he turned back to talk to me but afterwards, got scolded by Horikita for straight 15 minutes. She gave us a speech about why we shouldn't talk during lectures, it felt like she was taking down all of the frustration that she had on all of our classmates only on us. But why did she lecture me too?

To not hear that long speech again Akito decided texting would be a wise decision.

[Notes? I don't write notes.] - Kiyo

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