Chapter 26

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Being around Ramsey-without wanting to stab him in the neck-still felt a little surreal to me.

We'd spent all weekend going warp speed into our relationship, but I had expected nothing less. Ramsey had spent most of the weekend introducing me to all kinds of things that I'd never known about my body, and I had loved every single lesson. Still, in between bouts of aggressive sex, we had talked, and we'd spoken about things that we shouldn't have spoken about, considering that we'd only known each other a couple of weeks.

Ramsey had told me all about his parents and their plans for his future, but then had proceeded to tell me about his plans for his future. He'd told me all about being groom from a young age to be cunning and ruthless. He'd actually gone so far as to begin to tell me all about his blackmail stash, but I had ended up stopping him. I'd already known that this town's adults were crap, and that their children weren't faring any better; I hadn't needed proof of it.

In turn, I'd told Ramsey about my father and mother, and all the years of abuse that we had endured. I'd even told him about how my upbringing had shaped the way that I felt whenever he touched me. I'd been completely honest, vulnerable, and open.

Ramsey had fucked me in the most brutal way after that particular admission, showing me that darker side of him. He'd done everything that he could to make me welcome his viciousness and not feel the shame that came with it sometimes.

I had also believed him when he'd told me how much he loved me. However, the mention of marriage this morning had thrown me for a loop. Granted, we were going full speed on this crazy train, but marriage? I was only seventeen-years-old, for Christ's sakes.

I was already sitting down in fourth period when Deke took the seat to the right of me, then Roselyn dropped in the seat to my left.

"What the hell, Emerson?" she started in immediately. "You get attacked on Thursday, basically tell every student in school to go fuck themselves on Friday, then tell me you're going to rest all weekend. And now, you show up arm-in-arm with the devil incarnate. What in the hell happened this weekend?"

"Ramsey quit pulling on my ponytails, and I stopped stealing his crayons," I quipped. Deke chuckled next to me, and I suspected it was because he thought that was close enough to the truth.

Roselyn rolled her eyes. "C'mon, Emer, you gotta give me more than that."

"He broke into my house on Saturday, then held me hostage until I gave in and professed my undying love for him," I exaggerated, but not really.

She straightened in her seat as she said, "Now, that, I believe." Then as she was opening her textbook, she whispered, "Just as long as you're happy and know what you're doing, Emerson, then I'm game."

I smiled over at her because Roselyn was proving to be the best kind of friend. "Thanks."

Deke shattered the near intimate moment when he snorted, saying, "Don't act like Emerson's the only person riding on her own personal crazy whirl ride."

Roselyn leaned forward to look around me, then gave him some serious stink-eye. "Mind your own business, Deke Marlow."

My brows rose. "Well, well, well...what's this all about, kids?"

Deke mimicked Roselyn, leaning forward, so that he could look at her. "Just that Roselyn has her own closet full of dirty, private, little secrets. Don't you, Linnie?"

I didn't care what it was that I didn't know. Roselyn had been nothing but a great friend to me, so I wasn't going to let Deke intimidate her. "Leave her alone, Deke."

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