Chapter 25

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I had spent all weekend inside Emerson, and I had wanted it to never come to an end.

When I had slammed into her that first time and discovered that she'd been a virgin, I had almost lost my goddamn mind. Her blood on my cock had been the hottest thing that I'd ever seen or experienced. Yeah, I probably should have gone easier on her since she'd had no experience, but I'd made a tactical decision to fuck her hard and ruthlessly all weekend long.

I'd wanted her sore and exhausted, and as God as my witness, the harder that I fucked her and the dirtier that I talked to her, the wilder she had become. A few times, I had worried that I was crossing the line after what had happened to her on Thursday, but she'd kept assuring me that she was fine.

By the time that I'd left her house on Sunday night, it had become blatantly clear that Emerson got off on consensual violence. It didn't take a genius to figure out why, either. In between the sex, we'd talked a lot and had gotten to know each other a lot better. Growing up the way that she'd had, it made sense that she craved violence like a security blanket.

The sick thing about it all was that her attraction to brutality called to my inner darkness, and using her the way that I'd had all weekend long had me on a high that I'd never experienced in all my life. The rougher that I'd gotten, the wetter she had become. By the time that I'd left her in her bedroom on Sunday night, she'd been left looking like she'd been beaten and abused.

My dick had been hard as fuck the entire ride home.

Now, here I was, once again, sitting on the hood of my vehicle, waiting for her car to show up in the parking lot. I had wanted to drive her to school this morning, but she'd been adamant about driving herself. She'd said that she didn't like feeling like she was stuck somewhere.

I hadn't liked it, but I had conceded. I was learning to pick my battles where Emerson was concerned. I finally had her where I wanted her, and I was not about to fuck it up. Besides, you needed to pick your battles carefully when you were dealing with someone that never backed down from one. I was pretty sure that the only place where Emerson would ever let me call the shots was in bed. I was also plenty okay with that.

There wasn't anything quite like having a strong, fierce, stubborn female surrender all her fight to you while you were fucking her to orgasm. Holding Emerson down by her neck while I pounded into her body ruthlessly had me experiencing one of the most intense orgasms of my life. I had almost passed the fuck out when I'd had her bent over, then had popped my thumb in her ass, causing her to cum so hard that she had actually fucking squirted all over me. For a goddamn virgin, Emerson had opened her legs to me like the dirtiest of whores. If I hadn't been in love with her before this weekend, I sure the fuck was now.

I looked back over my shoulder, and I watched as she pulled her car into the parking lot. When she parked, then got out, it was like it always was for me; I felt that punch in the gut at her very existence.

Now, every other time that we'd been in this situation, I'd been the one to run after her as she passed by me with her middle finger in the air. However, this time, I stayed seated with Deke, Liam, and a few other students lingering by. This time, I wanted her to come to me. So, I sat and waited to see what she was going to do.

Emerson was wearing her uniform with her backpack slung over her left shoulder. Her legs and arms were still scabbed from her attack, but after four days, most of her injuries from last Thursday had healed. Every other mark on her body was courtesy of my hands, mouth, teeth, and cock from this weekend.

I kept my eyes on her as she made eye contact with me, then started to walk towards me just as sweet as you please. I could feel my dick growing at the confidence that she oozed stalking towards me. I wanted to thump on my fucking chest, truth be told.

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