Chapter 7

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I'd ended up almost killing three teammates today at scrimmage, and it was all that fucking girl's fault. When I'd thrown Emerson off my lap before storming off earlier, I'd been shaking with so much violence that it was a wonder that I hadn't burned the school down.

I played rugby and football during P.E., but it was all just for fun. While there was some real talent in this school, no one here would ever move on to be a professional athlete. We were all being groomed to take over business conglomerates and that was it. Sports were for fun at this school, but rugby and football helped keep me in shape. I loved physical exertion, and until I could fuck Emerson into oblivion, I had to take out my anger in other ways, and I was angry.

So fucking angry.

When she had straddled me on the bench, then ran her pussy across my cock, I had almost wrapped my hands around her throat, strangling her to death. She was fucking with me, and I wasn't sure how much more I was going to be able to take. Emerson was unpredictable, challenging, aggravating, and just so goddamn beautiful.

I had managed to stay away from her after sixth period, but even then, I had spent all of sixth period fuming. I'd made her sit next to me, but I hadn't touched her beyond yanking her ass down and planting her in the seat next to me. I'd been fearing for my sanity when I realized that if she'd made one move towards me-just one-I would have mounted her in front of the entire class.

Doing my best to get Emerson out of my head for just one goddamn second, Deke, Liam, a classmate of ours named Grant Strong, and I walked into Serenity Café, stopping to get something to eat before heading home to our empty houses. The place was small and quaint, but it served the best sandwiches around.

When you walked into the café, the counter was immediately to your left, and the tables were scattered throughout the right side of the room. There were only two booths placed in the far corner of the café, and it was perfect for privacy. That is, if you needed it.

We made our way to our regular table, then sat down, ready to place our orders and finish out the day. I was so ready for this day to be over, so color me fucking stupid when I looked up and was less than prepared for Emerson to be walking towards us in an apron with Serenity Café stitched across it.

What the fuck?

We all looked up at her as she stopped at our table. "What can I get you?"


"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked, cutting Grant off.

She spared me only a second-long glance before saying, "Working."

"I can see that," I bit out. "Why the fuck are you working?"

Emerson completely ignored me as she asked again, "What can I get you guys?"

Liam and Deke knew better than to answer her, but it looked like Grant didn't. "What are you offering?" he smirked.

Now, here's the thing; I knew that people tended to conform to fit in. I understood that peer pressure and the need to be cool could make a person do things they normally wouldn't do when they were alone. The power of suggestion was strong when you had a weak disposition. So, I knew that a lot of the students at Windsor might think that it was okay to be rude to Emerson because I was setting the example.

However, it wasn't.

I turned in my seat, then pinned Grant with a glare. "What did you just ask her, Strong?"

He laughed at first, but then paled a bit once the tone of my voice registered. "Uh, sh...she's...isn't she..."

"She's mine, motherfucker. That's what she is. She's fucking mine," I spat. "So, whatever she has to offer belongs to me. You got that, Strong?"

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