Chapter 6

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Today had been nothing but specialized Ramsey Reed torture all day long. After the ambush this morning, I'd found out that we shared four classes together, and that he'd somehow made sure that my locker was next to his.

It boggled the mind, really,

Ramsey was a goddamn eighteen-year-old kid, and he was telling grown folks what to do and how to do it. I'd found out that most of the kids in Windsor's senior class were eighteen through casual conversation around me. Apparently in their grooming to take over the world, these kids had spent a year abroad, studying life shit before entering their freshman year at this school, proving once again that rich people were different.

As I'd gone over my class schedule, I'd seen that we didn't have fourth, fifth or seventh period together. Still, lucky me, Deke Marlow was in my fourth period, and he'd taken the liberty of 'looking out for me'.

The bastard.

Plus, during one of our gatherings at our lockers-because Liam and Deke's lockers were next to Ramsey's-Liam had informed me that he had fifth and seventh period with me, and that we were going to become BFFs. I had almost punched him in his beautiful, perfect, blue-eyed face.

Where Ramsey had a sinister look about him with his dark brown hair and eyes, Liam was all sunshine with his dark blonde hair and baby blue orbs. He was just as tall as Ramsey, and he looked to be just as athletically built as him, too. No doubt about it, Liam McCellan was a good-looking guy. However, his All-American looks were a farce; there was nothing wholesome about him if he was best friends with Ramsey Reed.

Now, as for Deke...

Deke was something else altogether.

Deke had black hair with green eyes and was just as tall as his two friends. His build matched Liam's, and though they were both a bit smaller than Ramsey, they still looked like they could get the job done. The thing about Deke was that he'd come off as playful earlier, but I could sense a deep intensity skimming just below his surface. I couldn't imagine what would happen to the person on the receiving end of that intensity if it ever came out.

Thankfully, I had managed to ditch Deke by pretending that I'd needed to go to the restroom right before the bell had rung for the end of fourth period. Still, I wasn't naïve enough to believe that Ramsey wouldn't find me. After all, I wasn't exactly hiding out. Even though I was sitting by myself at a corner table of the eatery pavilion, the fact that I was by myself made me stand out. I also wasn't really hungry, but I knew that I'd be starving later if I didn't eat now. I just couldn't stop thinking about how I had recklessly spread my legs for Ramsey in class this morning.


If everything that I'd been hearing about him was true, then I was testing a guy that was free from all responsibility and consequences. I mean, who would do that? Even as cracked in the head as I was, I still knew better than to poke a bear that had no sense of accountability.

Someone brought me out of my musings when I was jostled by a body dropping on the bench next to me. I turned my head to the right and saw a girl that probably stood out more than I did. If I didn't belong here, then there was no telling what she was doing at Windsor.

"Hey," she greeted me as she reached over, then plucked a chip out of the bag on my tray.

I wondered what she wanted with me as I took her in. I assumed by her eyebrows that she was blonde, but her shoulder-length hair was the color of a wild rainbow. She had big blue eyes, and her makeup matched her hair; all bright, loud, cheerful colors. She had a petite nose that had a tiny, tiny diamond stud pierced on the left side. Her purple-colored lips were thin, but it worked for her. In fact, she looked absolutely awesome.

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