Emerson walked right up to me, situated herself in between my knees, and then stretched up on her tiptoes to give me a kiss.

In front of fucking everybody.

"Good morning," she teased.

My hand snaked out, then grabbed the back of her neck before I kissed her back, nipping at her bottom lip. "Good morning, baby."

I could hear the gasps and mumbles all around us, but I didn't care. Fuck them all...well, all, except Deke and Liam. However, I'd spoken to both of them over the weekend, so they'd already known that Emerson and I had finally called a truce.

"I missed you last night," she said, running one hand down my chest. Everyone around us was so quiet that I knew that they could hear our exchange.

"So, fuck your aunt. Move in with me," I said, meaning every goddamn word.

Bailey had been one of the students that had been milling about, and she'd chosen that moment to snap everyone out of their stupor. "Move in with you?" she screeched as she looked us over. "Oh, c'mon. You two aren't really...I mean..."

I hopped off the hood of my car, then wrapped my arms around Emerson as she nestled her face into my chest. "We aren't what, Bailey?"

Her bugged eyes were darting back and forth between me and Emerson, and Bailey looked equally dumbfounded and furious. "Ramsey, you are seriously not dating Emerson, are you? I mean, everyone knows that you don't date. You guys are obviously just fucking, right?"

I knew that it was killing Emerson to keep her mouth shut, but we both knew that I had to be the one to set everyone straight. After all the cat and mouse games that I had played with her, I had to make my position clear to everyone. Especially, after her attack. I meant what I'd said to her earlier. No one would ever touch her again.


"Not that it's anyone's business or anything, but Emerson is my girlfriend, Bailey," I clarified for everyone, and then barked out a laugh at the look on Bailey's face. "As a matter of fact, the only reason that she's only my girlfriend is because I don't think that she'd marry me yet if I asked right now," I added, and I could feel Emerson tense in my arms.

Now, while marriage had never come up this weekend, Emerson had to know that's where this was leading. I'd meant every word when I'd told her that her pussy was mine and mine alone. It would only ever be mine.

Bailey's shock was interrupted when Roselyn walked up next to Liam. She jutted her chin out in our direction. "What gives?"

"Just explaining to Bailey that I'm Ramsey's girlfriend," Emerson answered.

Roselyn snorted as she looked over towards Bailey. "How stupid are you?" she asked harshly. "I mean, we all saw this coming."

"Fuck you, Roselyn," she retorted unoriginally. "So, what? You think you're so cool now just because your only friend is fucking Ramsey Reed?"

Liam threw his arm over Roselyn's shoulders. "Nah, Roselyn was already cool," he taunted. "Ramsey being in love with Emerson is just a plus."

Bailey really lost all sense of composure at that. "In...in...lo...in love? What?"

Emerson rolled her eyes before looking up at me. "I'm heading to class. You can come with me if you want to or not, but I'm going."

I chuckled because I wouldn't have expected anything less from her. Emerson and I may have had come to an understanding this weekend, and we may not want to murder each other anymore, but I wasn't confused about her backbone. I mean, fuck, this was the same girl that'd gotten attacked on Thursday, and then had shown up to school on Friday with a proverbial 'fuck you' to everyone.

I reached down, took her hand in mine, then headed towards the school's entrance. I had to say that it felt good to know that she was following in my steps willingly. Deke, Liam, and Roselyn fell into line with us until we reached the entrance, and then everyone dispersed to their respective classrooms.

Emerson and I made our way to the seats that we'd originally occupied when I'd first taken her hostage. She was grabbing her textbook out of her bag when she said, "You know Bailey's losing her shit, right?"

"So?" I countered. "You think I give a shit about Bailey?"

Emerson stopped what she was doing, then turned to look at me. She cocked her head, and I could see a million emotions dancing behind her eyes. "Ramsey, this isn't my bedroom," she said. "This is us in the outside world." She shook her head. "This thing between us is going to upset a lot of people."

I leaned into her. "And you think I give a fuck?"

She sighed. "You don't get it, Ramsey." Emerson waved her hand around, indicating our surroundings. "You're like a god to these people. You've been completely untouchable up until now. There are going to be a lot of people who are going to resent that the poor, trailer park trash is the one person who managed to catch your attention after all this time."

"I don't give one fuck what people think of me, Emerson," I reminded her. "I don't care what they think of you, either, so long as they treat you respectfully." Her expression softened. "I finally have you, and I'll kill anyone who tries to ever come between us."

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