Chapter ten - NYC

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Welcome to New York bitchesssss - hope you're enjoying my story so far 😚😚
The next few days travel by a little too quickly for my liking, and it is now 5 a.m Saturday morning. Luckily, I haven't encountered the hostile Miss Olsen whom hurt my feelings, due to her thankfully giving me time off to pack for our trip, which quite frankly I'd rather fry my face than go on the trip with her.

That being said, I still have stuff to pack because yes I leave it till the last minute. So I finish up with packing the last of my clothes; a bikini (the hotel has a pool), extra pjs, shorts because it is the middle of summer, skincare, etc. once I finally decided that was everything I sat on my suitcase and zipped it up, with a lot of struggle due to also being an over-packer. I quickly get changed into something comfortable , tying my hair up in a messy bun, and putting some sneakers on.
I then double check my handbag, making sure I have all the essentials, and unwillingly make my to the dreaded woman's house. God this is gonna be awkward.

I slowly get out of the car at miss Olsens house, and trudge my way to the front door, about to knock on it, but it swings open before I could do so. Hmm what a coincidence.
"Hi" she says shyly looking at the floor. Huh, that's not how it went on my first day.
I mutter a quick "morning" and offer to take her bags, to which she refuses and carries them to the uber with their trunk open and ready for Miss Olsen to put her luggage in. She puts them in the car and I go to shut the trunk, and as soon as I do Miss Olsens hand is on my upper arm preventing me from moving.
"Y/n I really do apologise for what I said about you and your past relationship, I would do anything to take back what I said..." she sighs sadly, removing her hand from my arm and she begins to pick the skin around her nails, in nervousness.
Look, I am mad at her don't get me wrong but, I can't have her be a ball of anxiety because of me, and I'd much rather just enjoy the trip. So I suck it up and say "Miss Olsen it's okay, it's not your fault entirely, we wouldn't have blown up at each other in the first place if I didn't bring up your relationship, so I apologise also. Water under the bridge?" I ask, and she nods.
Well at least that's cleared up, I know it won't be back exactly to the way it was before but it's better than being sat in awkward silence for the next four days. Miss Olsen and I get into the back of the uber, and proceed to drive towards LAX.

The ride is pretty short, and we quickly arrive at the front of our terminal, however the smooth sailing drive quickly comes to a hault when I look to see a heard of paparazzi by the front doors. How the fuck do they know she's here. I turn to my left and see that Miss Olsen has also clocked onto what's happening. "Have you got sunglasses and a hat?" I ask softly, she nods and with shaking hands she puts her accessories on. I see her leg starting to bounce up and down, knowing all to well what may happen in a few minutes. I undo my seatbelt and shuffle towards her placing my hand lightly on her thigh to stop her fidgeting and calmly whisper
"Miss Olsen you're going to be okay. You have me I'm always here to help you, we're just simply going to quickly make our way through the doors and it will all be over, as they're not allowed in the building. Now take a few deep breaths for me please" I tenderly ask, and she nods, as I rub my hand up and down her thigh, surprisingly she seems to calm down a little bit. I ask the Uber driver to inform the security that we're here, and he does. We stay in the car for a few minutes until the security arrive, and they open the trunk, getting out our luggage.
"You ready miss?" I question, she shakes her head no but begins to speak
"No, but I have to go in at some point" I smile sadly and remove my hand from her leg and I hear her release a shaky breath.
"You've got this Olsen" I wink at her causing a small smile to appear on her lips.

She opens the door, here come the flashes and the shouting, I quickly get out after her and she looks at me worriedly I give her a reassuring grin she stands close to me, so I wrap my arm around her waist tracing small circles onto her hip and I quickly guide us inside ignoring all of the horrible men bellowing at my boss. We finally walk through the doors but I don't let go of her and continue to find a quiet spot in the entrance and stop. I release my grip from Miss Olsen but I face her and gently hold her arms, rubbing them up and down in a comforting manner "hey are you alright now Miss Olsen?" I query.
"Yes y/n thank you I feel okay, thank you for helping me out back there, I couldn't have done it without you" Miss Olsen gently replies, making my lips turn upwards. The security guards find us shortly where they escort us to the luggage check in. Luckily it's only 7am on a random Saturday in July so it's not too busy. We then make our way through security, again we were quick to make our way out, and Miss Olsen and I go straight to the first class lounge.

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